Every month the same story, everything increases, except the wages and income of the working and popular majorities, who can no longer even juggle make ends meet.

In this month of May that has just begun the increments There are several and here we tell you:

– Transport: in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Buenos Aires (AMBA) the values ​​in the collective from now on are the following: $42.67 of the minimum ticket (0 to 3 km), $47.55 (3 to 6 km), $49.46 $51.20. As reported, the 55% discount will continue to be in force for those who receive the Social Rate of the SUBE card. In this case, the minimum ticket already costs $19.20. In the case of trains, also in the AMBA, on the Miter, Sarmiento and San Martín lines the minimum value is now $26.82. On the Roca, Belgrano Sur, Belgrano Norte, Urquiza and Tren de la Costa lines it is $20.72. And finally, in the subway (City of Buenos Aires), there are also increases in May. $67 costs the ticket from this month.

– Rates: a matter of great concern for many households and one of the workhorses of the IMF’s adjustment. Starting this month, more than 5 million electricity users will no longer have any type of subsidies and will therefore suffer increases of up to 100% (which will arrive with the June bills).

– Combustible: under the program Fair Pricesthe ceiling for increases in this case is 3.8%.

– Rentals: Housing is another of the great dramas of the vast majority of the population. This month, tenants who must renew their rent will face increases of 95.9%. Homes more and more expensive, salaries more and more hit.

– Prepaid: every month affiliates suffer an already scheduled increase of 4.76%. Between the 1st and 20th of each month, the option to fill out an affidavit (via online) is still valid so that the increases can be slightly less.

Colleges: in the province of Buenos Aires, this month an increase of 6.7% will be applied.

With a inflation that accelerates, run will change in between, the pockets of the working and popular sectors they don’t give more. But there is a group that does not lose in this panorama: the businessmen, who want greater freedom to mark prices and also curb the joint claims of workers.

As the Unity Left Front claimed yesterday in Plaza de Mayo, the organization and coordination of the sectors in struggle is urgent to join forces and face the ongoing adjustment and submission to the IMF that is impoverishing us more and more.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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