Under the motto “for legal abortion, for ESI and for dignified lives. Against the right, the adjustment and the IMF. Freedom is ours”, the call that various women’s and sexual diversity organizations make in the City of Buenos Aires, will depart from the Plaza de Mayo to the National Congress, where at 6 p.m. the reading of a document is expected. unitary.
Bregmanwho said that he will participate “as always” in the day, reflected on it and said that “in the face of the right that wants to take us two centuries back, attacking legal abortion, comprehensive sexual education and many other rights that we achieved with our organization and street mobilization, This September 28th we have to be thousands in the streets to express that force: that of the girls who were the protagonists of the enormous green tide that brought about the right to decide in Argentina; that of the women who were on the front lines of the pandemic, who were at the forefront of defending access to public education and health; the strength of those who fight every day for land and housing,” she remarked.
The presidential candidate, the only one among the 5 competing lists that in these elections fights for the agenda of women and sexual diversity, also spoke about the challenges posed by this new call. “We return to the streets against the rights and the adjustment of the government, to install our own agenda of strugglebecause many talk about the dispute over women’s votes, but no one wants to talk about our rights and demands.”
“What’s more, they even preferred to erase us from the electoral debates,” he emphasized, and highlighted that “while Milei assures that he is going to plebiscite the right to decide, he threatens to eliminate comprehensive sexual education in schools and promises a greater adjustment, in a year “De Massa as super minister increased the wage gap between men and women to levels not seen before. Thus, in a country with 1.7 million more poor people in that period alone, those who suffer the consequences the most are women and children,” he stressed.
In this regard, Bregman also harshly criticized the leaders of the traditional parties. “Macri and Bullrich left a large part of that reality. The national government deepened it, and Milei already said that she will go for more. The future of millions of families is at stake, that is why we say ‘Neither accomplices nor subjugated,’” she stressed in reference to the Left Front spot that began circulating this week.
As Myriam Bregman points out, there are no miracles or lesser evil possible to get out of the scenario predicted by those almost 2 million people who, per year, are pushed into hunger and poverty.
The definition is neither minor nor casual. While the right of La Libertad Avanza and Juntos por el Cambio develop their speeches of criminalization of poverty and protest, the candidate of Unión por la Patria, super minister Sergio Tomás Massa, assures that if elected as president of the Nation he will call to a government of “national unity” where none other than figures like Gerardo Morales, the governor of Jujuy, who recently imposed an undemocratic and illegal constitutional reform with the votes of the PJ constituents, at the point of repression and with dozens of detainees and seriously injured.
To confront the right, the exit is from the left, organized and in the streets, trusting in our own strength: that of lionesses who with their work make the world move, that of the young women who tied green, orange, white and violet scarves and they demonstrated with their cry of Ni Una Menos that we must make the earth shake to conquer each and every one of our rights.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com