Alejandro Vilca stated that he lives this election day “with great joy, we campaigned at the top of our lungs, from below and we have garnered a lot of support from the people, that satisfies us, in dispute with large apparatuses, we have shown that the ideas of the left have deeply felt in sectors of workers throughout the province. We hope that this day will develop normally throughout the day. What yes, we alert that we have detected, in some places, where our prosecutors were not allowed to enter, also in some places, our ballots were missing or they were superimposed, of courseWe have already replaced them.”
And continued: “We alert about this situation because it worries us, for weeks now, we have been announcing this that is developing, unfortunately. I take this opportunity to call all the people that if they detect that tickets are missing, to ask the authorities to replace them and to try to communicate through our contacts to solve these problems.the truth that is worrying, If these events continue to be repeated, we will resort to justice to denounce these facts”.
Then he referred to how he experienced this campaign and said that, “well, with many colleagues who have joined from different sectors of the entire province. The left has been growing as a political alternative in the province. I live it with great enthusiasm. In my case, I come from garbage collection, reaching this level and disputing these positions is important, since growth occurs with many sectors of workers who are going through a crisis and who are looking for an alternative, the left begins to be that channel not only to express anger, but also to organize”.
And continued: “We campaigned with our lungs, but we have seen that other sectors have resorted to other maneuvers, they took our posters, they launched a dirty campaign to defame us.. People get to know us, we on the left are consistent, we are always on the side of the workers. We have tried to establish ideas, principles, a way out for the province, that is what is needed, to be discussed. We have proposed that a candidate debate be held and it was not done. We appeal to it to be something conscious because at times when there is an adjustment and when people have a hard time, solutions must be found and from our place, we did it ”.
He was accompanied by national figures, such as Myriam Bregman, pre-candidate for presidentshe stated: “From our party, the PTS, from the Left Front, the campaign carried out by Alejandro, Natalia Morales and Gastón Remy is proud, because really, when we say that the left grows from below, it is from the sectors of workers, popular sectors and Jujuy is the example of that. We were closely following Nicolás del Caño and we know that the support he receives Alejandro of the whole community, He is a symbol of what he represents: a garbage collector who said that you have to do politics of a different kind. It cannot be that politics is in the hands of the usual, traditional families, we must break with that and we must represent the interests of the workers and the workers. It is a source of pride, regardless of the result, that we are going to defend it, we ask the Jujeños to defend that vote, which means that business as usual is no more, the crisis is only going to be paid by those below”.
And he added: “We can already say that the work we have done in this province is very great and today is a great challenge”.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com