Federico PuyPress Secretary Ademys and Nathalia González Seligraleader of the Brown list in Multicolor-SUTEBA La Matanza and national deputy who served his mandate, denounced on C5N the government’s policy regarding public education and the situation of teachers and families.

Nathalia González Seligra stated that “there is discomfort with the general situation of adjustment” and highlighted that they see “how the adjustment has an impact on the families of our students who are affected by unemployment, or by job insecurity, by inflation and that has an impact in education and, of course, also in our own situation where we don’t make ends meet either, we work two or three jobs to make ends meet and this is increasing.”

Federico Puy warned about “the voucherization of Milei with a part of the payment for private schools and the defunding of public education.” Puy added that “we are operating with an educational budget that is from last year, which already had a very important adjustment at the request of the IMF.”

The teacher maintained that “they are cutting back in school cafeterias, in snacks, in breakfasts” and denounced that in the City of Buenos Aires “the bread they are given now is a bread of pancho, that is, they have cut back on the food they “They gave it to the kids, there is no plan to build schools so much that they talked about literacy, there is no plan for literacy, nor for the delivery of books.”

Puy highlighted “we really need a general strike of all the unions, of the CGT, of the CTA, to fight in Unity.” “There are families who are being fired from public schools, both from the state and from GPS, outsourced to Aerolíneas Argentinas, and that is one more child who suffers and which also impacts their own educational trajectories. That’s why we really need a fight plan because we have to defend our families.”

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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