Images of retirees facing police repression were all over the media and social networks. The cowardice of the police is outrageous, but at the same time, the strength of these seniors, who fought all their lives and who today are not willing to allow themselves to be starved to death, is proud. They seem to be the weakest, but at the same time, they are the strongest. Because they are convinced to fight.
“I am 80 years old, but I want to die standing, not kneeling…“-said one, after having received a blow with a club. “I’ve come this far. Are you afraid? If you are afraid you paralyze yourself“You have to fight for your rights” – explained another.
This Wednesday, the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation has the possibility of rejecting the presidential veto of Javier Milei. The one who denied a raise equivalent to a croissant per day, for those who worked all their lives.
But what for most working people is obviousthat retirees deserve to live well after having worked their butts off all their lives; For the political caste that warms the seats in Congress, it is not.
At this time, Deputies of the UCR and Peronism are negotiating votes and absenteeism, so that the government of Javier Milei gets its wayThat is, so that the main adjustment variable continues to fall on the lives of those who can no longer or should not have to work.
And the caste remains intact, supporting governability and/or supporting the inhuman policies of this government.
“Francos, how many days can you live on the minimum pension that retirees receive?” -he questioned Nicholas del Caño to the Chief of Staff, face to face. The Left deputy also accompanied each of the protests repressed by the police and is in permanent consultation with the mobilized retired sector, to bring their voice within CongressThe position of the Left Front Unity bloc, who also donate their salaries as deputies, is a separate case.
To override the monarchical veto of the president, which swept away the new Law on retirement mobility, voted in the same Congress, Approval by 2/3 of the House is required. But above all, A huge mobilization is needed, with a strike by the trade unionsto rise to the challenge faced by retirees.
UCR: against its own project
In the UCR bloc, Mariano Campero, Soledad Carrizo and several others who respond to the governors Gustavo Valdés (Corrientes) and Alfrejo Cornejo (Mendoza) have already announced that they will vote against the retirees. It remains to be seen how President Rodrigo De Loredo will position himself. Even though the radicals promoted the Law to reform the retirement mobility!
The senator and head of the party, Martin Lousteau had to come out and demand coherence from his own political force. “If the radical legislators are now going to change their vote, They will have to give explanations why they do it,” he publicly stated. Although the challenge does not seem to guarantee the conduct of these legislators. Not even Lousteau was able to sustain his rejection of the Law of Bases, with which collaborated by providing a quorum for its treatment.
The false Peronist opposition
On the other hand, collaboration with the Government on the part of the political partners of Sergio Massa, the former presidential candidate of the Union for the Homeland. These are the deputies who answer to the governments of Salta, Misiones and Río Negro. In addition to the deputies from Neuquén who have a single block.
It is a Peronist sector that voted in favor of the increase for retirees, but that at this time is also doubting whether to erase with the elbow what was signed with the hand. The meeting with the Minister of Security Patricia Bullrichin which the governor participated Gustavo Saenzis undoubtedly a political gesture. The favour they did the government in the vote on the Law of Bases could be repeated.
The sector of the Tucuman deputieswho broke away from the Union for the Fatherland bloc early on to align themselves with Mieli’s government, had been absent during the discussion of the Law on Retirement Mobility. Now, it is very possible that they will appear in their seats to support the veto.
And the unions?
It seems incredible that the CTAs (Hugo Yasky and Cachorro Godoy) waited for the retirees to be beaten to death before issuing a call for mobilization.. And the strike by the power plants, well thank you. Only ATE He called him, although The leaders of this union are not seen to be very active either. in promoting instances of debate to make the strike effective and the mass mobilization.
Also Pablo Moyano The truckers’ leader and co-secretary of the CGT, waited for the tear gas to be used only to call for mobilization. The other members of the triumvirate, Hector Daer y Carlos Acunathey will not even do anything to mobilize. For the most powerful trade union, it seems that misery and repression are not enough to call for a national strike.
Let’s hope that the calling unions do not repeat the behavior they had on the day the vote was taken. Basic Law. When they left the square of the two Congresses very early, and It was the Left, together with the neighborhood assemblies, the workers, the youth and also the retired men and women who resisted the police repression until the last moment..
They are our elders, our grandmothers, they were our teachers, they were and are workers. We cannot let them fight alone and, besides, they can surely teach us how to fight.
Once again, it is necessary that let us demand Not only to the unions and trade union centersbut also to the conductions of the student centersthat they call for this Wednesday. But also that they promote assemblies and other instances to build, from the bases, a plan of struggle with national strikes and mobilizations that have continuity. We must rise to the challenge that the retirees are proposing to us.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com