Nicolás del Caño, national deputy of the Left Front, intervened in the commission that debates the treatment of the Bases Law in Deputies with the modifications made by the Senate. Together with Christian Castillo, he joined in calling the group of national deputies a reject and request annulment due to the exchange of personal appointments, favors and gifts that are behind the Senate’s vote on this law.

In addition, he denounced the fierce repression led by Patricia Bullrich on June 12 in front of Congress, against young people, workers, retirees who were complaining because the sanction of the Bases Law implies a greater collapse in their living conditions, fewer rights labor, and more delivery of the country’s natural assets. The brutal toll of the repression, “with more than 600 injured by tear gas, shovels and rubber bullets, more than 30 detained,” most of whom were later released because there was no proof of all the accusations made by the Police, but five are still detained and prosecuted for alleged unusual crimes, when the underlying intention of the government is the criminalization of social protest.

Continuing the provocations, José Luis Espert He cut off the microphone when Del Caño denounced the “indignities, torture and injuries” suffered by those who were deprived of their liberty and requested “the freedom of those who remain detained.” There a new crossing occurred where Espert sought to censure a national left-wing deputy for his ideas and for defending the right to demonstrate and against the hunger policies of this government.

De Caño continued his speech to “insist on the nullity of this law because of the corruption it brings but also because of the repression,” and that in this situation where unemployment is increasing, wages are falling and employment is becoming more precarious, it is necessary to continue taking to the streets to reject it and so that the resistance of the working people can put an end to Milei’s adjustment plan and those who collaborate with the government.

Finally, he stated: “We are going to reject and propose the nullity, that all the deputies who do not want to endorse this corrupt law that comes from the Senate, and all the grievances against the majorities and the working people, that they do not provide a quorum to this session and ask for annulment as we do from the Left Front.”


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