The terrorist attacks on the Three Powers in Brazil are the headlines of the main newspapers in the world this Sunday.
“Election protesters storm government building,” reports The New York Times.
“Brazilian Officials Clean Up Government Offices After Rebellion”.
“Thousands of supporters of Jair Bolsonaro stormed the National Congress and presidential offices in response to what they falsely believed to be a stolen election,” highlights the US newspaper.
“150 arrested in Brasilia while Lula condemns the ‘barbaric’ invasion of the presidential palace and supreme court”, reports The Guardian.
“Bolsonaro’s nephew was in the crowd,” he observes.
“In Brazil, supporters of Bolsonaro invade Congress and the presidential palace, Lula decrees a federal intervention”, says Le Monde, in France.
“Supporters of the extreme right-wing former president, opposed to Lula’s return to power, forced entry and vandalized the main places of power in Brasília, Sunday. The police announced the first arrests,” reports the newspaper.
“The impressive images, recalling the invasion of the Capitol in the United States January 6, 2021, show a true human tide flowing towards Congress”.
A national TV program covered the attacks live.
The maintenance specialist Bruno Pomart on the LCI channel talks about “a failure of the intelligence services of a movement that could be foreseen”.
“The police will have to act preventively”, he recommends.
The live special on French television asks about the whereabouts of former president Jair Bolsonaro and reports the request by US deputy Alexandra Ocasio Cortez to expel the extremist from the country.
“Where is the main interested party, Jair Bolsonaro?” asks one of the reporters.
The program’s commentators speak of “amateurism” and “disorganization” of Bolsonarists who propose to sabotage Petrobras refineries in Rio. As well as a risk of permanent “harassment” of the ultra-right Lula.
“There could be pockets of violence like this over the course of the term,” says analyst Virginie Jacoberger.
“Like the United States, Brazil will experience this trauma for a long time”, predicts one of the participants.
“There is not much order and progress”, ironizes the presenter.
Commentators say that Lula’s reaction was based on very “fair” words.
“Lula will come out of this episode reinforced, Lula reacted strongly and quickly”.
“The police (in Brazil) act better than in the United States. At first there were no deaths. She acts very professionally.”
They see the attack as a heritage of the far right in power and a now permanent threat in western democracies. “What will be next?”, they ask.
In the same program, Guillaume Roquette, director of Le Figaro, compares Bolsonarist invaders to the yellow vests, a movement that in the first year of the Macron government set fire to the Arc de Triomf.
“The police regain control of the headquarters of the three powers and President Lula accuses his predecessor of encouraging the invasion”, highlights El País.
“Thousands of radical followers of the former Brazilian president, the ultra-right Jair Bolsonaro, attacked this Sunday the headquarters of Congress, the Presidency and the Supreme Court, in Brasília, demanding a military intervention to remove Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva from power, who took power. possession exactly one week ago”, he contextualizes.
“The coup demonstrators reached the heart of power in the capital of Brazil from the Army Headquarters, nine kilometers away in a straight line, where they have been camped since Bolsonaro lost the elections two months ago. Bolsonaristas, who are convinced that they stole the elections, overcame police barriers in order to reach the seats of the Legislative, the Judiciary and the Presidency”, says the Spanish newspaper.
“Videos circulating on social networks show the robbers in the Congressional plenary, destroying furniture and breaking glass in modernist buildings”, he describes.
“STF facilities, another of the great targets of Bolsonarist anger, were fiercely attacked.”
“These are violent scenes that, on the other hand, contrast with those of last Sunday, New Year’s Day, when hundreds of thousands of people accompanied Lula on his return to power at the head of a broad coalition with the mission of restoring and strengthening democracy. ”, opposes.
“What happened this Sunday in Brasilia is the moment that Brazilian democrats feared so much for months because the already ex-president Bolsonaro maintained a speech of systematic attack against the voting system and electoral authorities in a way that both one and the others are notably discredited before their followers”.
Argentine Clarín speaks of “commotion in Brazil”.
“In an explosion of fury that many have already compared to the invasion of the Capitol, hundreds of followers of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro invaded this Sunday the headquarters of the National Congress, the Presidential Palace in a violent demonstration that calls for military intervention to overthrow President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Inácio Lula da Silva, a week after his inauguration”.
In the eyes of the international press, the episode in Brasilia this Sunday transcends Brazil and reveals the threat to democracy everywhere.
Source: https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/el-pais-cenas-violentas-em-brasilia-contrastam-com-as-centenas-de-milhares-que-acompanharam-lula-na-posse/