During the afternoon of this Thursday, photos and videos continue to be revealed that expose the show that Patricia Bullrich put on this Wednesday: the actions of infiltrators – especially when the union bureaucracy withdrew their columns in the middle of the fight – to justify repression and a hunt throughout downtown Buenos Aires to prevent there from being a massive mobilization when the Base Law was being voted on. The goal was to prevent tens of thousands more people from arriving after work.
Almost immediately after the largest union columns began to withdraw, a major repression was unleashed, which included a hunt for protesters, dozens of arrests, and more than a hundred injuries. Simultaneously, presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni issued a tweet in which he directly attacked the left.
Hours later, along the same lines, a statement from the presidency attacked the left as “terrorist” and spoke of an “attempted coup d’état.” The same atrocity was maintained this Thursday by Patricia Bullrich in statements to the media, in which she justified the repression.
However, as the hours go by, it becomes increasingly clear that infiltrators of the repressive forces were involved in the mobilization. In the confrontations with the Police, people who had legitimate anger mixed with sectors of the state apparatus itself that acted to fuel the repression. The videos and images that are beginning to become known reveal this.
One of the most scandalous shows how Cadena 3’s cell phone is first approached by unknown people, overturned and burned. And minutes later it is vandalized by two men who, with their faces uncovered, are driving in a car that has the license plate backwards. When they are denounced by the person filming, the Federal Police seem to let them go directly.
Unidentified men aboard a car with the license plate upside down vandalized the burned-out Cadena 3 vehicle, while police officers chased the person who was recording the events from the scene. The operation to criminalize protest could not be more evident. pic.twitter.com/cr6kQu5Ziq
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) June 13, 2024
The Cadena 3 journalist recounts the events that led to the burning of his cell phone. “This was all set up.” The cloak of suspicion continues over the government and the repressive forces due to the infiltrators who acted yesterday during the repression in Congress. pic.twitter.com/TpqOpLb5SE
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) June 13, 2024
Another photographic sequence shows an alleged protester passing the fences towards the police cordon.
While the government talks about “terrorism” and tries to criminalize young workers and left-wing political organizations after yesterday’s repression, photos come to light that show how it filled the mobilization with infiltrators and then mounted a hunt. pic.twitter.com/HXAa1QtDIv
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) June 13, 2024
Another video shows the rejection of sectors of the neighborhood assemblies towards the infiltrators. After identifying them, they begin to report them. That situation seems to have been repeated. According to testimony, when the members of an assembly were retreating along Avenida de Mayo in the face of repression, they encountered someone who began to agitate them to move forward again. “We had already decided to go back. We told him let’s go back and when we asked him where he was from, he directly left.”
The “terrorists” about whom they speak banally, lightly and totally irresponsibly @madorni y @PatoBullrich They are the provocateurs themselves, ordered by themselves, repudiated by the assemblies and left-wing parties. They should know: NOT WITH THE LEFT pic.twitter.com/eo5xX4ZNdd
— guillo p (@GuilloPistonesi) June 13, 2024
The actions of these sectors were manifest and open this Wednesday. They went out in organized groups, directly to mix among the columns of the organizations, seeking to generate situations of greater repression from there.
The same thing happened in another sector of the demonstration. Another testimony indicates that when they were retreating, “at the Avenida Theater one began to break windows. Then several people broke windows near Plaza Asturias. There a brawl broke out, because they had just identified them.”
The Government intends to blame the left and all those who came out to demonstrate against the Base Law. The reality is that leftist organizations suffered repression. These were concentrated on the corner of Rivadavia and Entre Ríos. Shortly before 4 p.m., given the constant arrival of more people, Bullrich ordered a first provocation with a fire hydrant truck. After throwing water at an isolated group, the truck aimed at the columns on the left that were on Rivadavia.
Minutes later, another hydrant from the same Federal began to throw liquid against the columns that were one block away, in Entre Ríos and Hipólito Yrigoyen. Given the persistence of the protesters, groups of Gendarmerie and the Federal Motorcycle Division attacked with tear gas and rubber bullets. Then the events would occur that ended in the vandalization of Cadena 3’s cell phone.
It is necessary to reject this campaign of criminalization unleashed against the left and against all those sectors that mobilized this Wednesday against the Bases law, also demanding the immediate freedom of all those detained. Also denounce the scandalous actions of the groups of infiltrators that respond to the police forces headed by Patricia Bullrich.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com