Milei’s mega DNU repeals the Rental Law, which established minimum conditions to protect tenants, in a context of wage arrears. With its elimination, 10 million tenants are in danger and the real estate lobby celebrates.

Milei seeks to blow up the Rental Law with a stroke of a pen. A law that established minimum conditions to protect tenants, in a context of wage arrears, precariousness and permanent rise in the cost of living.

With its elimination, 10 million tenants are in danger and the real estate lobby celebrates.

Far from what they say, there are no “two equal parts.” Those who rent and need a home are always in worse conditions to negotiate than those who own a property, not to mention the large real estate agencies.

Without the Rental Law, the conditions of “free agreement” contracts are defined by the owner. According to Milei’s DNU:

  • There is no minimum contract term: it can be 15 days, a month, a year. If it is not clarified in the contract, it remains in 2 years.

  • How much does it cost to rent? The price is set by the owner.

  • How often is it renewed? is not established, inflation adjustments are no longer governed by the current index.

  • There is no limit to the deposits that can be required from the tenant.

  • If you want to terminate the contract you have to pay a fine of 10% of the value of the remaining contract.

    If even the conditions are leonine, hold on!

    Although we charge in pesos, you can be charged rent in dollars, euros, yuan or any foreign currency.

    This price deregulation accelerates inflation, which is already at very high levels, and destroys salaries and pensions in its wake.

    Milei’s measure only gives landlords the freedom to impose permanent increases, evictions and abandonment of tenants. It is a measure against the working class.

    It is not true that the only solution to the rental drama is to repeal the Law. One could, for example, guarantee cheaper rents, impose taxes on empty homes and put an end to speculation, prohibit prices from being set in dollars and a plan to public works to build the missing homes.

    We tenants have to join the collective fight of all working people against the DNU. Let the CGT and the CTA call for a general strike and a plan of struggle to defeat the Milei government’s adjustment plan.

    You may be interested in: Rentals: 10 keys to the DNU and the danger for 10 million tenants

  • Economy / National Economy / Rental / Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) / Javier Milei / Rental Law / mega DNU


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