Palestinian Mohamed Abuel-Qomasan moved social media when he appeared in a video discovering that an Israeli army attack in the Gaza Strip took the lives of his newborn twin sons and his wife, as reported by the newspaper O Globo. His wife, Joumana Arafa, had given birth the previous weekend.
Last Tuesday (13), while Abuel-Qomasan was in the office responsible for registering babies, he received a call from neighbors informing him that his house had been bombed.
Upon arriving at the scene, he found the bodies of his children, wife and mother-in-law covered in white sheets. “I don’t know what happened. They told me a projectile hit the house,” he said.
According to Al Jazeera, more than 16,400 children have reportedly been killed by Israeli forces since the outbreak of hostilities in October 2023. According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, the total death toll in the conflict has now exceeded 39,897 people, of which 16,456 were children and 11,088 were women. The ministry reports that all of these victims died in 3,486 attacks carried out by Israeli forces.
Source: https://www.ocafezinho.com/2024/08/14/video-gemeos-de-4-dias-sao-mortos-em-gaza-apos-ataque-aereo-israelense-pai-descobre-durante-registro/