This Monday, within the framework of the day of struggle called by the CATT, the AGTSyP workers will open turnstiles in some headwaters and combination points of the subway service. The force measure will take place between 08:00 and 10:00 and will take place at the Constitución and Retiro stations on line C, San Pedrito and Plaza Miserere on A and Federico Lacroze on B.
Within hours of the fierce increase in fares becoming official, which will cost from $125 to $757 in June, the workers announce this and other measures to reject MIlei’s unconstitutional DNU, the retrograde Bases law, the labor reform, the transportation rates and layoffs.
In a statement, Claudio Dellecarbonara, executive secretary of the AGTSyP, expressed that “with these actions we will also once again insist with our repudiation of the intention to impose again the so-called income tax, which is a true theft of wages and we also continue demanding a solution to the health crisis in the subway, caused by the presence of the carcinogenic asbestos throughout the network.”
He invited all sectors affected by the Government’s anti-worker and anti-popular policies and the workers in struggle to accompany these actions and called to “put in place a plan of national struggle that culminates in the general strike to stop the plan of adjustment, hunger, misery and repression of Milei and his accomplices”.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com