The UOM Villa Constitución announced an active strike for an indefinite period, so it is necessary that the bases can debate these measures to prepare for it, unifying the workers and ensuring their support. It is not clear if this measure will be accompanied and supported by the national leadership of the union.
Led by the Techint group, the metallurgical chambers and those that bring together the steel giants are willing to liquefy salaries and redouble the offensive in their labor reform plan. They want to condemn us to starvation wages so that we accept the impositions of their adjustment plans. The Rocca government is willing to pulverize labor and union rights and has plenty of resources to carry it out.
In Villa Constitución there is a situation that is in line with the rest of the country. Suspensions and layoffs add to the salaries frozen since November for metalworkers. This seriously affects the development of the entire community, commerce, health, recreation, etc. In the Villa Constitución/San Nicolás region, the poverty rate exceeds 46% of the population, thus putting the area above the national average.
ArcelorMittal Acindar is currently almost completely closed, as a result of the stoppage in public works, a crisis generated by themselves and the government to carry out their pressure strategy to impose their plan. It is expected to restart on April 8.
With a national struggle plan that included three weeks with staggered strikes of 24, 48 and 72 hours, in addition to the mobilizations in the three cities that house the large steel companies, the national leadership of the UOM has been discussing only salaries and the need to recover some of what was lost due to inflation, however, the UOM Villa Constitución launched an active strike for an indefinite period of time to counteract this measure against the bosses’ advance. Although this measure is actively called for, it is still not clear what the proposed actions to be developed would be.
If this alliance is achieved between workers, teachers, students, merchants, the unemployed, the state, youth and the working people as a whole, there is an opportunity to win.
Assemblies are necessary in all sectors of the plant to debate and prepare the general assembly to unify all workers beyond the company or branch. The general assembly is the moment in which all workers can listen to the different voices and proposals, vote for them and support them. This experience also transcends the walls of factories and workplaces. There are examples in different parts of the country, where different sectors begin to organize in neighborhood assemblies in order to have a perspective of unity in the face of the advance of the policies of the anti-worker government of Milei and Rocca.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com