At the start of the morning shift in the wire drawing sector, the employers of Acindar group Arcelor Mittal announced the suspension without pay for a period of 16 days to almost a hundred workers. A disproportionate penalty that directly attacks the home economy.
The company attacks the workers and they respond. This sector has been resisting the company’s attacks since the end of last year, avoiding the plan to operate the equipment with fewer personnel. The company has already taken measures against the workers by not paying the December fortnight advance and the equal adjustment, but also against the metallurgical family by not delivering the Christmas box in a clear example of union discrimination against this sector.
Now he doubles down and does not allow workers to cross the turnstile.
The union organization ordered a stoppage of activities for the entire branch 21, completely paralyzing production in all plants.
In different union circles there has been talk of initiating forceful measures to speed up the joint ventures that have been blocked since June and without seeing that the Chamber that brings together the Steel employers’ associations wants to adjust the increases respecting the inflation rates.
In a new advance, the company puts another issue on the table and plays with the needs of the workers, wanting to change the axis of the discussion.
The labor flexibility that the J Milei government wants to discuss in congress, the businessmen want to implement in the prepo factories. For that they resort to pressures, threats and sanctions.
The fight against labor and salary reform must be fought in the factories, in the streets and in Congress, for this it is necessary to organize from below, to seek the broadest unity to face the entire adjustment plan.
The general assemblies are the first step to strengthen this fight.
World of workers / Santa Fe / Villa Constitución / Metallurgical Workers Union (UOM) / Strike / Acindar
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com