Photo: Matias Baglietto. At the exit of the Oral Criminal Court 25
Judges Ana Dieta de Herrero, Daniel Navarro and Marcelo Bartumeu Romero, of the Oral Criminal Court 25they condemned the inspector Gabriel Alejandro Isassi, the senior officer Juan José López and the officer Andrés Nievato life imprisonment for considering them co-perpetrators of the “quintuplely aggravated homicide for having been committed with a firearm, treachery, for racial hatred, for the premeditated collaboration of two or more people and for being members of a security force.”
In addition to the murder of Lucas Gonzalez, the three policemen were also sentenced for trying to kill the young man’s three friends, for illegal deprivation of liberty and for ideological falsehood. Officer Sebastián Baidón, who arrived at the scene as Cuevas’ driver, was sentenced for the same act. He received the sentence of eight years in prison.
The court also imposed prison sentences on the heads of the Brigade to which the convicted policemen belonged, as well as inspector Héctor Cuevas, who revealed details about the policemen’s operation. Officer Sebastián Baidón was convicted of torture against the survivors.
Family of Lucas González upon leaving the trial | Photo Matías Baglietto – Red Focus
Accompanying the family of Lucas Gonzalez on the day of the sentence. Justice for Lucas and for all the kids. Enough of the easy trigger.
Deputy Commissioner Roberto Inca and Commissioner Juan Horacio Romero (both heads of the Brigade where the three life sentences operated), 4D Commissioner Fabián Du Santos, and 4A Commissioner Rodolfo Alejandro Ozán, received the sentence of six years in prison.
At the trial, Joaquin Zuniga He pointed to him as the agent who told him “so you’re from Varela, villero, you should be dead like your friend.”
The five acquitted officers are: Ramon Jesus Chocobar, Angel Darius Arevalos, Jonathan Alexis Martinez, Daniel Espinosa and Commissioner Daniel Santana.
The life sentence for Lucas’s murderers demonstrates the racial hatred of the City Police, how they move in civilian commandos with “unclear” purposes and the entire cover-up framework that they activated after killing. Due to the struggle of his family and friends, this case came to light.
The sentence was read at the AMIA auditorium of the Comodoro Py courts, with its ground floor and first floor full, along with a strong demonstration of family, friends and social organizations in the street. The process, which began on March 16, included more than 50 witnesses, including former Buenos Aires Minister of Justice and Security Marcelo D’Alessandro, who complicated the accused police officers with his account.
Héctor “Peka” González, Lucas’s father, hugs Alejandrina Barry | Photo Matías Baglietto – Red Focus
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