Since the afternoon of this last Friday, thousands of people summoned by the Coordination for Palestine, which organized the demonstration, began to gather in the vicinity of Plaza Libertad. The Zionist State has been bombing the Gaza Strip for 14 days, causing the death of nearly 4,000 murdered Palestinians so far, many of whom are children.
This mobilization in Montevideo adds to the massive mobilizations that have been taking place in recent days, internationally in solidarity with the Palestinian people, developed in Latin America and the US, Europe and various countries of the Arab world around the world. In a great show of internationalist solidarity to the Palestinian people who suffer true collective punishment by the State of Israel, in these almost two weeks of bombing of the Gaza Strip. Collective punishment that adds to the daily oppression that the Palestinian people have suffered for decades, such as the apartheid policy on the occupied Palestinian territories, the blockade of the Gaza Strip, and countless human rights violations constantly sustained by the Zionist State. on the Palestinian population.

The call was accompanied by dozens of working class organizations, social movements and students. Notably, the call had the support of Mothers and Relatives of Disappeared Detainees, Plenaria Memoria y Justicia, PIT-CNT, FEUU, FUCVAM, Servicio Paz y Justicia, and numerous workers’ unions and secondary and university student unions. Members and organizations of the Palestinian community were also present.

The march headed along 18 de Julio Avenue until entering Plaza Independencia, passing in front of the Executive Tower, to a stage a few meters from the gate of the citadel.

In that place a proclamation was read that denounced the oppression of the Palestinian people: “We are witnessing a genocide against the Palestinian population of Gaza, a televised Nakba, the continuation of the catastrophe that began more than 75 years ago.” The thousands of Palestinian deaths (mostly children, women and the elderly) caused by these 14 days of Zionist bombing of the Gaza Strip were reported. In the midst of chants from the audience present, crying for a “free palestine” and cheering the “struggle of the Palestinian people”.

The proclamation also demanded that the Uruguayan government: “Stop supporting their war crimes and join the voices around the world demanding: Immediate ceasefire and an end to the massive bombings on Gaza! Allow immediate entry of humanitarian aid! International protection for the Palestinian population!”

Ending with the repudiation and condemnation of “the atrocities that the Palestinian people of Gaza are suffering. We affirm that peace will only be possible and lasting when the rights of the Palestinian people are fully respected.“To finally demand:”Lift the blockade on Gaza, dismantle apartheid, end the military occupation and colonization of Palestine.”

Below we offer our readers the live broadcast of La Izquierda Diario Uruguay, of the reading of the proclamation.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com