This Wednesday, from her social networks, Myriam Bregman once again issued a very harsh warning about the negotiations that are rumored to be taking place between the far-right government of Javier Milei and Peronism.
There were already clear signs of this thread behind the people’s backs when the Kirchnerist senator Lucía Corpacci signed Judge Lijo’s document for the Supreme Court and suspiciously Freedom Advances He returned the favor by preventing the approval of Clean File, a project that is reactionary but that the ruling party had always defended.
From his In reference to it, the leftist leader warned that “those who vote for this reform will be giving a great victory to this far-right government. There is no story that goes back to that.”
Those who vote for this reform will be giving a great victory to this far-right government. There is no story that goes back to that.
The Government delays the call for extraordinary elections while seeking an agreement with the PJ to suspend the PASO https://t.co/DQeBKQG6AG through…
— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) December 11, 2024
The aforementioned article reported that “the Government decided to stop the call for extraordinary sessions, announced just six days ago by the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni.”
Along with the scandal of Senator Edgardo Kueider, which came to complicate the plans, the newspaper refers, after citing statements by the Chief of Staff Guillermo Francos, that “the postponement of the call for extraordinary elections is also combined with the need for libertarians to bring closer positions with Unión por la Patria (UP), a determining factor for political reform to prosper.”
From the left, from the beginning any pact with the far-right government for an electoral reform made at its convenience to shape a political regime where the electoral system is designed so that only parties financed by the government can run for elections can be categorically rejected. great economic power, by considering the elimination of public financing, the suspension of presidential debates, the elimination of free advertising spaces and other measures. Advancing partial measures such as the elimination of the PASO – although we must reject their proscriptive basis – would be nothing more than an intermediate step in the curtailment of public debate and the popular will sought by the far-right government. Nothing good can come from making a deal with Milei. No agreement with this reactionary government!
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com