Myriam Bregman, Jorge Julio López’s lawyer and current deputy and presidential candidate for the Left Front, referred to the notebook that links the repressor Miguel Etchecolatz with Victoria Villarruel, Javier Milei’s running mate. Interviewed by Jorge Fontevecchia for Journal Profiledetailed how the genocidal acted to prepare the defense in the trials against them, the role of characters like Villarruel and others in the active defense of the repressors.
MB: The trial of Etchecolatz You have to put it in context. it was the first after the annulment of the laws of due obedience and full stopIt started in 2006. So there was a whole new experience of how these trials would unfold. He thought that after the laws of due obedience and full stop had been interrupted in the 80s and only trials for baby appropriation had continued, the so-called trials for the truth, but a trial of characteristics like this had never occurred. So the genocidals sought supportThey were looking for those who could say that at least they had acted with a just motivation in the genocidal plan they carried out. This that appears now, that was published by my partner in that trial, Guadalupe Godoy, is what Etchecolatz had written down in his notebook as contact persons.
Perhaps from my memory I can extract more of Cecilia Pando because she clearly had an activity, she went to the trials, she attacked us, they yelled at us in the corridors, she was quite notorious. There was also another person who was Karina Mujica. Many went. Following that Etchecolatz trial, the trial was held for the ESMA case. I was a lawyer, among others, in the Rodolfo Walsh case – I am Rodolfo Walsh’s lawyer to this day – and relatives of the sailors also came. There was a whole group of people who had a very intense activity, who yelled at us, attacked us. During the Etchecolatz trial, we repeatedly suffered threats that ended with the most serious incident, the disappearance of Jorge Julio López.and a year later a trial is held here in the city of Buenos Aires against the prefect Febres, who was in charge of the ward for pregnant women at ESMA, nothing more and nothing less. Febres appears dead in his prefectural cell, we put an expert on the side and show that it was not a natural death but that he was poisoned, and the papers and the computer that Febres had in his cell appear again. We have repeated this many times but it is good to remember it, Febres’s computer that had entries of this type, like the Etchecolatz papers that we also have as a result of the kidnapping in the case, was deleted while he was in custody by the Federal Police. She was zero erased, nothing but the date it was erased could be recovered. We sent it to France, we did all kinds of tests and only that could be recovered. I point this out because it is evident that The genocides, during their stay in the cell or in the case of Febres in a detained prefectural headquarters, put together their own defenses and looked for those who could help them in the trials that were taking place.
MB: The truth is that it is already within one of the possibilities, clearly. and it seems to me that many react now, when it has been two years since she and Javier Milei have been showing what their thoughts are. And now I see that everyone is amazed. For two years now we have been confronting him in the Chamber of Deputies, and in my case I have not been letting any denialist or minimally denialist speech that Villarruel make, I have debated with Javier Milei and have contrasted his ideas. but evidently has been left to runa counterpoint was made, and now we come to an end where the most exotic thing I’ve heard in recent times is that from Peronism they say that fascism is coming and then Berni comes out to tell that they put together the lists for him. It is inadmissible what was heard and that goes unnoticed. How did Peronism put together the lists? In your intention to reach a ballot with Milei They put together the lists, Berni recognizes it, the mayors of the suburbs say so and nothing has happened here? The truth is that we are in a situation where it is very difficult to explain who Milei is if the lists are put together on the other side.
MB: I think today we are not in a runoff situation and also I see with great amazement this festival of adhesions on what would be done in the second round. Here are five formulas which the voters chose us for October, now the presidential debates are coming in about a month. We have to make known what the proposals are and why the importance of having five formulas and what we are going to propose each one for it. It seems to me that the voter who has leftist values, who feels progressive, supportive values, has to support the formula that we lead with Nicolás del Caño. There is no discussion here between two options, the electoral scenario is completely open. It’s more, I think that after the elections there will be a reconfiguration of the political system, where clearly the political system as we have known it in recent years is not going to exist anymore. The two coalitions that have been governing, Juntos por el Cambio and Unión por la Patria, have completely exploded and that is why you have governors who are supposedly on Massa’s list who are already saying who they are going to vote for in a ballot.
It’s all to be seen and that is why it is so important with what strength the left comes out of this option, because if we don’t have to accept from now on that the political agenda has shifted to the right and that you have no other choice. We do not believe that this has to be the case, we believe that those who have voted in these elections STEP for options that say that we must confront the Monetary Fund, that the agreement is being paid for with the hunger of retirees because it is from there where are Sergio Massa’s budget cuts coming from, those who think that we have to defend rights conquered in so many years and that it cannot be that today there are kids in Argentina who skip a daily meal, who do not agree to naturalize characters Like Milei, we have to make a strong expression. There’s a shuffle and give again, With what strength those of us who do not want any of this come out with seems more important than ever.
MB: It’s part of the broken coalitions, that everyone knows that the lists are assembled and that they have an expiration date, which is called October. On October 22, the coalitions expire as we knew them. Each one goes on the list they go on because she touched him and he has no way to get out until October 22, but I don’t see that he has more consistency than that.
MB: At the very least, and a reconfiguration depending on who wins. I saw it, I was a national deputy in 2016 when the legislative sessions began under the government of Mauricio Macri and I observed how from one day to the next they passed, they jumped sides that in Congress, it was not known where one sat or the other the next day. Macri approved more than 400 laws with votes from a Peronism, which in a large sector was led by Massa in the Renewal Front. I saw them pass by, vote terrible laws after that famous phrase by Diego Bossio, who said “you want to buy me for some cold mates and some sanguchitos”. terrible laws that They broke the Argentine retirement systemsuch as the law of the PUAM (Universal Pension for the Elderly) and since Massa, her block and sectors of Peronism raised their hands and accompanied them to end the retirement systemwhich is not good, has a serious problem in Argentina, but it is the opposite of generating a universal pension where they leave you even lower than at present, in which the chance of retirement and pension are eliminated, by law they establish you which will be 20% less, than already a miserable minimum retirement.
So, I already saw this movie. Now the crisis is much greater, because I am talking about the beginning of the Macri government, after that his mandate failed and, after this, the Frente de Todos governed, which also failed. What we are seeing is that The two great coalitions that have been governing for the last eight years made a gigantic transfer of income, which they took from the salaried sectors, from those who work, and gave it to the most concentrated capitaland today they are already seeing how they settle forward.
MB: Lastly, a little reflection on how this political system will turn out. I believe that the representation of the left, of those of us who have other ideas, of those who do not want any further adjustment of the Monetary Fund paid for with the hunger of the children of our country, we have to have a clear expression in October.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com