while members of the Third Raid for Peace -who have been camping in Buenos Aires for more than a month- were received by President Alberto Fernández, who made commitments to them, his Security Minister, Aníbal Fernández, carried out an agenda in Jujuy, which had as its first appointment a meeting with the hated repressor Gerardo Morales.

On Tuesday 29, the Minister of Security met with Governor Gerardo Morales at Government House. The meeting was also attended by the local Security Minister, Guillermo Corro, and the Commander of the National Gendarmerie Region, General Carlos Germán Wacker. In the official press it was said that the nature of the meeting was linked to policy against drug trafficking, however, Aníbal Fernández himself stated on his Twitter account that it was much more than that.

Thus, he affirmed that it is “necessary to strengthen the institutions of the Province through sincere dialogue between the majority parties of Jujuy.” He also said that “we fulfill a mandate of democracy that is to dialogue beyond differences. Until now we had communicated through the media. It was necessary that we do it personally and clarifying everything that needs to be clarified”.

The official website Somos Jujuy mentioned the predisposition from the National Gendarmerie to articulate with the Ministry of Security of the province. nothing less than with the person responsible for the brutal repressions during the month of June against those who demonstrated rejecting the anti-rights Reform.

There it was said: “Another topic addressed during the meeting was the persistent problem of roadblocks in certain areas of the province. Minister Corro stressed that they will work together with Commander General Germán Huacker, Chief of the North Zone of the National Gendarmerie , to seek solutions and arrangements through mediation with the groups involved in the blockades”.

The photos of the institutional meeting were more than a provocation for those who continue to repudiate and confront the anti-rights Reform approved by the ruling party and the “opposition” of the PJ. The meeting was a sample of the rapprochement of massismo and Morales. The gift to the Minister by the Governor was not lacking. A book whose cover has an indigenous woman “hurdler”, possibly from Caspalá, who are denouncing a new subjugation in their territories by the Government of Jujuy, and who were brutally repressed a year ago for defending a community court.

It seems that the crosses and sparks drawn by the media between the Government of Jujuy and the national one are left behind. It becomes clear that The priority of those who govern us is to move forward with the extractivist consensus and an adjustment plan tailored to the IMFin favor of multinationals and businessmen, guaranteed today by the new constitution.

The “renewal” of local Peronism that Aníbal Fernández came to carry out you can see what color it is. Rivarolismo without Rivarola, you could call it. A PJ subservient to Morales, as always.

It also makes it clear, again, for workers, teachers, indigenous communities and other sectors that showed a Jujuy standing up and without fear, who are on the sidewalk in front. The working people together with the communities demonstrated in June a powerful force in the streets that confronted the bipartisan regime in the province. It is necessary to regain that confidence, and preparation of those below independently of the political leaders of the reform, adjusters and the right. With the left that raises an exit program in the face of the crisis in favor of the majority, against the privileges of officials, judges and legislators, and the looting of lithium and common goods in the territory.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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