The workers of the Laura Bonaparte Hospital respond to the government of Javier Milei with a statement where they flatly deny the information published by the ruling party. The government intervened in the Hospital – within the framework of the resistance of Health workers against the layoffs – with the false argument of that there is “overstaffing”.
“The dismissed people are workers who guarantee patient care internally and externally, both in the Guard and in the National Line of Guidance and Support in the Mental Health Emergency 0800, 24 hours a day, all year round” -they respond in a statement.
In turn, they state that “With the arrival of a new intervention it will not be possible to ensure the normal functioning of the Hospital since the layoffs of 200 workersAs we have already exclaimed,
“make it impossible to care for patients, admit new ones, and continue treatment and services.”
The Bonaparte Hospital fight has been receiving a great deal of solidarity from different sectors: from artists to other sectors of workers fighting against layoffs, and they have the support of the community of patients and families.
Below is the full statement:
The workers of the Bonaparte Hospital flatly deny the published information
today by the National Government.
To that, we say:
· With the arrival of a new intervention it will not be possible to ensure normal functioning
of the Hospital being that the dismissals of 200 workers, as we have already exclaimed,
make it impossible to care for patients, the admission of new ones and the continuity of
treatments and services.
· The lying numbers that they spread are used to install in public opinion that
Health is an expense and not a right.
· The dismissed people are workers who guarantee the care of patients of
internally and externally, both in the Guard and in the National Line of Orientation and
Support in the Mental Health Emergency 0800, 24 hours a day, all year round.
· On the other hand, the Hospital has care from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., so
interdisciplinary teams in Spontaneous Demand Attention devices
(the user approaches the Hospital, without a prior appointment), Outpatient Clinics, Hospitalization,
Day Hospital, Territorial Approach -with arrival to territory and house in the Zavaleta neighborhood-,
the Children and Adolescents Service, the Department of Comprehensive Health that includes the
areas of Kinesiology, Pharmacy, Medical Clinic, Dentistry, Laboratory, Nutrition.
· For their part, non-professional staff are also vital for the operation of the Hospital.
since they are colleagues who carry out maintenance tasks, hygiene care and
job security, human resources tasks, accounting, administration and many
other services that were dismantled with this arbitrary and brutal measure. The same
It happens in the Kindergarten that the Hospital has for the children of workers.
· The data provided by the Government are erroneous and do not match reality regarding
the services and consultations we provide. To give an example, in the case of Line 0800
We answer 19,000 calls per year. Every call can save a life, and attention
and mental health interventions involve different interventions: interviews
interdisciplinary, contact with family and/or close ties; promote re-engagement
or the construction of networks or socio-affective support ties, whether with organizations and/or
institutions or membership groups, among others.
· The Government affirms that the Hospital has many workers. But before this, we inform
that during 2024 we will suffer a 20% decrease in workers, due to layoffs
of the month of August and the resignations due to poor conditions and job insecurity (low
salaries, three-month contracts).
· Now, with the 200 layoffs, the workforce is reduced by 40% more. That is to say that only
There are 40% of workers in activity, compared to 2024. There was a total reduction
approximately 60%: in these conditions the Hospital remains inoperative. In this context,
The reorganization of services is very complex because entire shifts have been emptied and
Patients cannot continue with their treatments due to the complete absence of their equipment
· We reiterate, with half of the workers outside the Hospital cannot offer care
appropriate for adult and pediatric outpatients and inpatients, nor give
response to new demands.
· We continue in a total state of alert, organized and in permanence day and night in the Hospital
until the reincorporation of the 200 workers.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com