“Yes, Mr. President, I think that the first thing we have to be clear is that what is being discussed is whether the government will be given to advance in the design of the entire electoral calendar or if, clearly, let’s go to express our rejection that the government plan materializes.
Since we finished ordinary sessions until today, everything went in Argentina. Until now it has not been mentioned, but at the end of the year we had a truly embarrassing fact: former Kueider was arrested in Paraguay with a suitcase. And that quider’s suitcase carried the dollars from the purchase of votes in the Senate.
At that time, when the law came from the Senate to deputies, in this same enclosure, I pointed out that those who voted for that law were voting a corrupt law. We already knew that Senator Crexxel had given a position in exchange for her vote. We already knew that they had offered positions to Senator Espínola. We already knew about the Quider. And this has been confirmed: this government imposed a law based on corruption and the purchase of votes.
That law must be canceled. The first act that we must do in ordinary sessions is to raise the insurmountable nullity of a law – insist – based on an illegal act, which is the purchase of votes.
We also learned that a prominent deputy of this camera was discussed all the parties to see which of its, surely 76 properties passed the holidays. Could it be that he was so tormented by that family drama that he did not speak for two months? No. A deputy who has indicated that he has these offshore properties.
When the fiscal package was discussed, I said in the enclosure that journalism could do an investigation among those who voted in favor of lowering personal assets in terms of the properties that were had outside, in Miami, in Rio de Janeiro, in Punta del Este, or the yachts, or cars. I said: “Surely there are many who are lowering the tax to themselves and, instead, they are giving profits to the work.”
However, I say, with some deputies of this camera we are seeing that they don’t even need, because they total them in offshore companies. No one finds out, nobody knows, unless any investigation or filtration comes out, and then they evade, make elusive maneuvers to pay taxes.
But not only are we with these scandalous issues. No. Those who later raise their hands and talk about a clean file … are we going to have fun tomorrow, right? Clean file. They will come to defend offshore properties. I am going to like the clean record of the offshore properties. How are they going to argue it? “We are clean, nothing more. We only avoid taxes, nothing more. We banned the labor, the unemployed to buy something, pay the VAT, but the deputies do not.”
What is an offshore for? To avoid taxes or to wash money. They are the only two functions that an offshore has. Well, explain: Did you avoid taxes or wash money? Is that the ethical measure they want to put us?
The deputies of this block have made silence for a long time. Its president has that situation. But not only that happened.
In this summer we saw the layoffs at the Bonaparte Mental Health Hospital, whose workers today are mobilizing, in the inns, in the Sommer. The destruction of public health progresses. We are seeing layoffs in the private sector, many of them persecutors, because when the president does a tweet saying that the left -handed children of … will chase them to the end of the world, the employers to the labores who identify as left -handed They say goodbye.
As in Shell. As in Pilkington. As in places of the private sector and the public sector.
We have clearly persecutory layoffs of colleagues who had been reinstated to defend their classmates, who have 10 and 20 years of work in those companies, with qualified jobs, and today pursue them.
Thanks to the corrupt law bases we have dismissals. And in response to those layoffs, since yesterday the five plants of Lindel Praxair are stopped for dismissals of workers who exercised union activities, which organized the uninional activity, which were reinstalled and today they are dismissed again.
Today morning we found 300 layoffs in General Motors. They laugh. That is the country that defends Milei.
And if this were not enough, in case the scandals of corruption very And dismissed workers, but to those who are attended in public health, and layoffs in the private sector were not enough, we had Davos’s speech.
10 days ago the president of the Nation, his communication teams and the spokesmen of the ruling party do a slightly complex rhetorical exercise, because they try to say: “The president did not say what he said.” And then, Milei speaks and repeats the same.
Yesterday he accused any homosexual person of Pedophile, a call to the persecution of all sexual diversity.
The president has instructed, and the Minister of Justice said he will bring it to this Congress, to eliminate the figure of femicide, that is, protect sexist violence.
They are saying today that they are going to get the female quota. They will get the female quota. Where are the deputies that today make the second to the ruling party and who at the time supported him?
They will get the trans quota, when it is a group whose life expectancy is 40 years. A measure of minimally elementary humanity, which is even implemented in the organisms that have to do so, and this government wants to take it out.
They go for labor rights. They go for women’s rights. They go for the rights of sexual diversity. They go for everything. They go for denialism.
And this, Lord, is linked to what we are going to vote and what we are discussing today.
Each firm in the opinion that the ruling wants – which today is the suspension – is a signature to the plan they have to strengthen themselves in the attacks on the workers and the popular sectors.
Milei received a blow to the response of Argentine society, for the response of the people, for the answer, above all, of the LGTBIQ+collective, which was at the head of organizing a great mobilization on Saturday.
They could not hide the faco tears they had that day, when they saw the population in Buenos Aires, in Córdoba, in Rosario, in Neuquén, in more than 100 cities throughout the country, expressing the repudiation of persecution.
Even in that he was expressed, in what the chief of cabinet said when he said that “each one does what he wants, but inside his house.”
I think that, for much of the population, something that we denounce is being clear: that this government tries a kidnapping of the word “freedom.”
They are not with freedom. They are liberticidal. They want to destroy democratic freedoms.
Of course, we refuse to give any vote to this government.
Mr. President, we reject the entire agenda of these extraordinary ones that are raised by the Government to strengthen and to attack the rights of the entire working people.
Thank you so much”.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com