Myriam Bregmannational representative for the PTS on the Left Front and former candidate for president, spoke with Gato Sylvestre on C5N.
There she was consulted for a conference called this Wednesday by ATE. At the start of the short week after the extra long weekend, workers from different State agencies are expected to carry out a peaceful stay in their workplaces, against the layoffs announced by the government of Javier Milei.
According to Bregman, The workers will present themselves accordingly, “to carry out their tasks, because layoffs are illegal.”. “We are going to be accompanying Nicolás del Caño and my colleagues,” added the Left leader.
Layoffs in the State
“There is a responsibility of all previous governments of having left personas
hired for years. But once this is done, once a permanent employment relationship with the State has been generated, you cannot cancel a contract and leave a person without a job from one day to the next for no reason.”
“Without compensation, because they are based on this figure of contracted workers that we have always questioned. The governments have passed here, they continue adding contracts, the workers are not effective and if you look at the sectors that attacked, Family Agriculture, Ministry of Labor, Meteorological Service, you can see that that is what they do not care about at all and they do not care that the functions are fulfilled there.”
“It’s bad, It’s going to have to be fought a lot and I think the central fight is going to be in the street, because Justice has been letting Milei’s DNU run, beyond some failures. The Supreme Court is waiting, seeing if it is resolved sooner, washing its hands while the DNU remains in force. They have to resolve the labor chapter and well now this other labor chapter is added in fact, which are the layoffs in the State. They are in no way legal Due to the extension in time, the tasks they perform, typical of public administration, are not contingent tasks, which is why There are people who have been hired for 20 years”.
“They care little about the state budget. Contracts for the Statethe number of hired people you have, They recently represented 1% of the budget. The external debt between January and February, 23, 24%. “We are not talking about money, we are talking about an ideological political stance of firing.”
“They gave the Ministry of Labor to Techint, which pressures them not to approve the agreements, which attacks its own workers. When we marched this March 24, talking about civic-military complicity, business complicity, We are talking about those businessmen who had clandestine centers in their factorieswho handed over the lists of workers to the genocidaires and today Milei has no better idea than to say to those people, well, control the Ministry of Labor.”
“The current Minister of Labor He was recently in Congress, when we were discussing a progressive reform, not these reforms that are being discussed now, but exactly the opposite. We were discussing the reduction of the working day to 6 hours, which we propose to be with distribution of working hours to generate genuine work, which is the great discussion that is needed in our country. AND This character came and said “why do you want 6 hours, why do you want so many free hours outside of work”? a directly slave-oriented conception.”
Health crisis due to dengue
“The guards are overwhelmed, I was talking a lot with health workers, I made some posts on my social networks, directly from them telling the story. The truth is that what they tell you is terrible. People with lounge chairs in their guards to be able to hold on feel bad, they don’t have the capacity because they also cut back on health. They also do not pay overtime as they should, it is not that they call all the staff and tell them ‘they are going to be paid so that there is real attention to those who need it’… entire neighborhoods that you go house to house and have a case of dengue in each one, many children because obviously it is more difficult to take care of oneself during school or sports hours”
“Furthermore, now you don’t even have the access, no longer economic, that Families had been making a huge effort to purchase repellentsspirals, pills to repel mosquitoes, but now you directly don’t have. You want to go buy it and you don’t have or have to pay 80,000 pesos for Mercado Libre… well, it’s a scam. The minister says ‘well, It is the free game of supply and demand.…”
“They do absolutely nothing, so it’s every man for himself, whoever can buy at that price, whoever can have access to sufficient information.. Because sometimes it is due to lack of information and well, not to mention the most humble neighborhoods that the doctors who work in the Cesac, in the health centers, also tell me that the situation is very serious. “Who is going to have money to go buy tulle to put up the babies’ cribs, the basic things that we should have today.”
“That is the free game of supply and demand, it is save yourself if you can and I think it’s the opposite. What facing a health crisis, facing layoffsin the face of the non-approval of the joint agreements that the Government does not want to make, We must unite these struggles, we must establish a fight plan. The union centers have to be calling for that, so that we can all give a joint response, because we saw every man for himself in the 90s. That’s how it was with Menemism. First he privatized this company, then he attacked here, then Airlines, before railways, so it was impossible to show all his strength.”
Common senses for adjustment
“You have to answer everything, you have to discuss everything, when they say that the State is full of gnocchi, no sir, you have to answer them, you have to give them concrete examples. The other day he saw him with some colleagues who were fired at GPS, an outsourced company of Aerolíneas Argentinas. A worker said ‘I’m insulin dependent, they’re firing me from GPS, I don’t have any more social work.’ How do I buy medication with the value that medications have today?’ A record increase in the value of medications, which is why each thing must be answered. “We have to lower it to the ground.”
“Menem also did thatRemember what they said about the railway. I am from a town with a strong railway component, not only because of the families that lived there, but because of the trains that passed constantly, workshops and so on. AND They said ‘everyone is lazy, no one works here’… they destroyed the railway and now no one works. So those common senses that they want to create must be answered, because we cannot let them install those things.”
“What they are doing is taking a cut from the workers to give it to the Monetary Fund, to the most concentrated sectors of the economy, which is why these sectors also put their political personnel in the government.. It’s no coincidence that Techint is involved, they put it in YPF, they put it in the Ministry of Labor, they put it in those places because they know that they come to do big business. Now we have to respond in the streets, in unity, in the fight. And not let those common senses establish themselves, because they are the basis of new attacks.”
The May Pact
“Why don’t we all sit down in the hall and say that all those who are against the DNU get out? The Civic Coalition, all its life speaking against the Emergency Necessity Decrees and the Republic? If we sit in the enclosure, which side will it be on, with Milei or this one? You can’t continue playing cat and mouse. Even the same radicalism that voted for the Omnibus law in general, only two deputies did not vote for it but the rest of the bloc voted for it. So are you going to sit there or not? Peronism has 99 deputies, plus those of us on the left have a considerable number. If everyone is willing to sit down and it’s good that they come and let’s see who is on one side or the other.”
“Because that is the time to come forward and see how many deputies each one contributes, obviously each one to the extent of the deputies they have, but how many deputies each one contributes to this discussion. Because my fear is that those who later, through the governors, are negotiating the May Pact are also hiding within the blocks. It is embarrassing to call it the May Pact, it is an open extortion that is tied to the new Omnibus law, whose fundamental basis is to take away workers’ rights, it is the labor reform”.
“He who says yes to the May Pact is saying yes to a labor counter-reform, the removal of rights that the working class of our country had a very difficult time achieving. You have to be clear. I hear it from the governor of Córdoba who is going around and is going to be the host, the host of what, of the neoliberal pact of this overloaded return to the 90s. “That is not a pact, it is agreeing on who pays the adjustment on the basis that they decided that the adjustment is paid by the workers and retirees of our country.”
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com