In the early morning of this Saturday, October 7, the Hamas group launched more than 2,000 missiles from the Gaza Strip towards Israeli territories on the border, as part of the “Al-Aqsa Storm” operation, according to a leader of that organization. The Israel’s response was to declare a “state of war”, dropping bombs on the Palestinian territories, a much deadlier attack taking into account the enormous military differences in favor of the Israelis equipped with cutting-edge weapons thanks to the support of the United States and other powers.
In the early morning, anti-missile alarms began to sound in different cities in Israel. The images of Palestinians taking over an Israeli army tank or a drone shooting at a tank went viral on social networks, and were celebrated by the Palestinian people.
The military action launched by the Hamas group takes place within the framework of the attacks of the Israeli Army that daily murder, torture, harasses millions of Palestinian men, women and children, whose territories are occupied by Israeli forces. This 2023 It was the bloodiest year for the Palestinians since the second intifada in 2000, and 204 Palestinians were murdered, including 37 minorsin Israeli military incursions into refugee camps in various cities in the West Bank, attacks by Jewish settlers on Palestinian villages in that occupied region and also in Israeli attacks and bombings on the Gaza Strip.
Since 1948 Israel has occupied more and more territories, a process that the Palestinian population continues to experience as the Nakba (catastrophe). Today there are millions of descendants of those years who live overcrowded in refugee camps without any right of return, not to mention the constant attack by the Army, Police and ultra-nationalist settlers on the West Bank, and the siege of the Gaza Strip.
According to the first reports, More than 200 Palestinians were killed and more than 1,600 injured by Israeli bombings in Gaza. The EFE news agency reproduces this data provided by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, reporting that it is “as a consequence of Israeli aggression”, while air attacks by Israel in Gaza continue.
The Israeli army carries out airstrikes on the Gaza Strip leaving at least 161 dead and 931 injured according to an initial report from the Palestinian Ministry of Health. pic.twitter.com/NSGSEOKHkH
— Anonymous Citizen (@AnonymousCitoyen) October 7, 2023
The organization Doctors Without Borders denounced that Israeli forces attacked the Indonesian Hospital and an ambulance in front of the Nasser Hospital in the southern Gaza Strip. The attacks killed a nurse, an ambulance driver, injured several and damaged an oxygen station.
Following the escalation between Israel and Gaza, Israeli forces struck the enclave’s Indonesian hospital and an ambulance in front of Nasser Hospital in southern Gaza. The strikes killed one nurse, one ambulance driver, injured several and damaged an oxygen station.
— MSF International (@MSF) October 7, 2023
On Saturday morning, Benjamin Netanyahu assured “citizens of Israel, we are at war. And we will win it,” in his first public intervention. “This is not an operation or an escalation, but a war,” he added in a video broadcast on his social networks. For The government of Israel is a great opportunity to rebuild its “national unity” reactionary behind the figure of Netanyahu. They are preparing a new massacre.
The Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu finds himself in a difficult internal situation supported only by his far-right and ultra-Orthodox coalition, the most right-wing in history, but facing massive mobilizations in the main cities of Israel against his attempt to modify justice to add all the power behind the Executive and definitively crown a Jewish state to expel the Arab population.
URGENT: Israel bombs a Palestinian ambulance in the Gaza Strip. pic.twitter.com/CbENoViZoM
— Palestine Today (@HoyPalestina) October 7, 2023
The Israeli government endorses and orders attacks against Palestinians
Benjamin Netanyahu endorses attacks against the Palestinian and Arab population in general, to favor the far-right sectors that support him. Just 10 days ago, on the 23rd anniversary of the Palestinian intifada, Israel bombed various surveillance posts and other Palestinian facilities in the Gaza Strip on the edge of the border with drones, helicopters and tanks. The argument was that, during a demonstration, a Molotov cocktail was thrown at an Israeli post. A totally excessive response that seeks to unsuccessfully sow fear in the population.
But the attacks and abuses of the Army and the Government of the far-right Benjamin Netanyahu They are not limited to bombarding Palestinians with missiles or violently beating and detaining them, but encompass a wide range of humiliations.. Such as closing the access doors to neighborhoods, mistreating the elderly or children, destroying plantations, and a long etcetera.
On the 28th, dozens of settlers (Israelis who illegally occupy Palestinian land protected by the Army) Palestinian graves in the cemetery next to the emblematic Al-Aqsa mosque were vandalized. Two days earlier, the Israeli Government had ordered the dismantling of the pipes that provide water to the town of Khirbet Emneizal. A humanitarian crime that the major international media deliberately hides.
Just two months ago, A group of more than 700 Israeli and Palestinian intellectuals and academics signed a joint declaration denouncing the advance of the Netanyahu government and its judicial reform. In the text they point to Israel as an apartheid state against the Palestinian population and say that ‘The ultimate objective of judicial reform is to tighten restrictions on Gaza, deprive Palestinians of equal rights both outside and inside the Green Line, annex more land and ethnically cleanse all Israeli-ruled territories of their Palestinian population.'”
European powers and the United States support the offensive against the Palestinian population
Given the first news of the operation launched by Hamas from Gaza and the declaration of the “State of war” by Netanyahu, The European powers have come out to provide their unconditional support to the State of Israel. “I unequivocally condemn the attack carried out by Hamas terrorists against Israel. It is terrorism in its most despicable form. “Israel has the right to defend itself from such atrocious attacks,” said the president of the European Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen. The German, French and Spanish governments have also spoken out.
Representatives of European powers describe the military actions of the Hamas group as “terrorist” seeking to cover up the historical conflict caused by the Israeli colonialist occupation of the Palestinian territories. In July 2023, Israel carried out the most important attacks and bombings in 20 years in the Jenin refugee camp, in the northern West Bank, which added to the permanent incursions of the Israeli Army and pogroms (violent attacks, which include murders). ) of settlers against the Palestinian population. Netanyahu’s conservative and far-right government also announced at that time the construction of new settlements and his coalition flirted with the idea of a total annexation of the West Bank, in the context of occupation that has lasted 75 years and is endorsed by US, European and American imperialism. governments in the region such as the monarchy of Saudi Arabia.
The United States has expressed its “unwavering commitment” with Israel’s right “to defend itself” and has committed to ensuring Israel the means to do so. “Our commitment to Israel’s right to defend itself remains unwavering,” said Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. A major cynicism of the imperialistswho while they talk about “freedom” and “democratic values,” maintain political and military pacts with the Saudi monarchy and the State of Israel, endorsing the occupation, murder, torture and systematic repression against the Palestinian people.
Knowing the facts, The Argentine Government responded almost immediately by aligning itself with the State of Israel, in line with the United States and the European powers. Both President Alberto Fernández and the minister and candidate Sergio Massa did so. This immediate support is the opposite of the constant silence in the face of the recurring military actions and murders committed by both the State of Israel and the Zionist sectors that it protects and protects. Other Argentine presidential candidates spoke in a similar way, such as far-right Javier Milei who has openly shown his support for Israel with a speech that openly endorses the state of apartheid against the Palestinian population.
For a working-class and socialist Palestine in which Arabs and Jews coexist in peace
The crimes of the State of Israel against the Palestinian people, denounced by many intellectuals of Jewish origin such as Ilan Pappé, are increasingly difficult to ignore. Under the Netanyahu government and the extreme religious right, these crimes have increased, not only in the occupied territories of Gaza and the West Bank, but also against Arabs who live in the State of Israel itself and are treated as second-class citizens. Forks this situation of colonial oppression that recreates Palestinian resistance over and over again for more than seven decades. We are on the side of the resistance of the Palestinian people, without this implying sharing the strategy and methods of Hamas, which aims to establish a theocratic State. We defend the right to national self-determination of the Palestinian people and we fight for a Workers’ and socialist Palestine in which Arabs and Jews coexist in peace.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com