A Constituent Convention groped by all four sides for an authoritarian regime. Editorial of “El Círculo Rojo”, a program from La Izquierda Diario that is broadcast on Thursdays from 10 pm to 12 midnight on Radio Con Vos, 89.9.

  • At the moment there is a political process which is —remarkably— foff the national agenda if you take into account the seriousness of what happens. I refer to what happens in the province of Jujuy who governs Gerardo Morales.
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  • A while ago there was provincial elections and together with the governor, local legislators, mayors and councilors, they elected conventional to carry out a Constitutional reform. A choice that was proposed by one day to the next by Morales and which poses, essentially, transform the provincial political regime in a regime still more undemocratic.
  • Let’s start from a made of base: he reform project as a whole has 65 itemsbut it is not featured anywhere. In case you were distracted or doing something else, in Jujuy a Convention is called to reform nothing more and nothing less than the provincial constitution and the conventional ones (or a part of them) as well as the people of Jujuy van blindly because what you want to reform was not presented. Let’s not talk about a deliberation process in which the entire population participates or anything like that, because the proposal was not even presented, only a few articles presented in commissions are known.
  • One of the proposals that yes it was met is what drives the greater criminalization of social protestlimiting the right to protest which has constitutional status at the national level. As usual.
  • Now listen to this: in the opening of sessions of the Convention, Gerardo Morales He said that one of his proposals is that there be “elections every four years and that we get out of the biannual renewal scheme.” That is to say, annul the midterm legislative elections at the stroke of a pen. Apart from a clear attempt to limitation of one of the few moments in which this regime summons the population to pronounce itself (every two years), the issue was never raised, was not announced anywhere during the electoral campaign for the constituents. The political literature found a name for this type of operation: scam. If realized, this would imply the loss of a right to demonstrate through voting. And not in any context. But when the spread anger with traditional politics that the electorate has been defrauded by means of an adjustment and delivery of the country. In Jujuy this has been expressed some years ago in the vote harvest achieved by the left front and especially Alexander Vilca.
  • But there is more eh: in the middle of the Conventionthe ruling party spread the idea that an electoral system must be implemented like the one that governs the municipal government of Cordoba capital: that the force that wins the mayor’s office, automatically, remains with half plus one of the Deliberative Council. In this way, the legislative power would become directly a executive branch appendix. This can produce an enormous disproportion in political representation: a party that wins with 30% of the votes, stays with the 51% of parliamentary representation Do you know how this clause is known?: as “governance clause”. It is a spectacular confession if it were not serious: maintaining a proportion between what the people vote for and those who are elected affects “governance”, that is, it is necessary to distort (even more) what the people vote for the “ governance”.
  • Let’s see how the overall regime would look: it would allow the current government that it already became the majority of its own in the Power of attorneycount by Constitution with the domain of the legislative branch. And the Legislature is and will continue to be part of the appointment of judges and officials who hold positions in public bodies that the ruling party proposes to give constitutional rank (Anti-Corruption Office, Public Prosecutor’s Office, Ombudsman’s Office, among others).
  • Although it looks like a color notethis also graphs the attitude and above all the Morales interests: after completing the formality of taking an oath at the conventions, in the afternoon, the Governor did not appear anymore. He sent a request for a license and was later seen on the premises of the Rural Society in Buenos Aires. The Arminera fair was held there. Morales, along with the Governors of Salta and Catamarcainvited the mining companies to join the “lithium table” and celebrated that in Argentina mining has a Constitutional and legal path to make scorched earth.
  • Well, then there were all kinds of commission maneuvers: refused to be filmed and broadcast. Listen to this, they were wrong and from the outset they distributed to everyone a memo that was actually internal to the radicals in which instructions were given on how to prevent representatives of the left from speaking, and things like that.
  • Obviously Morales has this in alliance with the PJ and an argument shared by both forces is that the “expense of politics” must be reduced. they make a demagogic use of popular sentiment contrary to the privileges of politicians, to from there pass the removal of a right to the people (vote every two years). If it were indeed sought to lower spending, why not reduce privilege allowances for officials and judges? But no, the vote of the people is an expense, the salaries of officials, a necessity.
  • This happens in the province that the members of Together for Change present as the panacea of ​​republicanism against others that they call “feudal” (which they are in many cases), but this is undemocratic brutality rarely seen and in the province where Milagro Sala is illegally imprisoned.
  • Horacio Rodriguez Larreta —who traveled to Jujuy on election day— and Martin Lousteau son close allies of MoralesHe also has excellent relations with Sergio Massa (they shared a coalition) and also has a very good relationship with Peter’s “Wado” Is it because of this so much national media shielding? At the very least, it’s suspicious.
  • Los radicals have their black history. Someone who remembered her all the time was the deceased Osvaldo Bayer who once said that he could never find a radical who would apologize for the executions of the Patagonian workers during the government of Hipólito Yrigoyen in the “rebel Patagonia”.
  • Now, if the radicals boasted of anything, it was that they had emerged against the conservatives more than a century ago for the defense of right to vote. During the so-called “infamous decade”, for example, the yirigoyenist radicals They denounced the so-called “patriotic fraud”. Today, hand in hand with Morales, allied with Larreta, Macri and the local PJ, they propose establish an infamous regime through a fraud that has nothing of “patriotic” and yes a lot of delivery man.
  • The totalitarian laboratory of Gerardo Morales in Jujuy

    Politics / Gerardo Morales / The Red Circle / Jujuy

    Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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