The results of the European elections are marked by the worrying rise of the extreme right. Le Pen’s victory in France with 31.5% of the votes has precipitated the advancement of legislative elections to July by Macron. Right-wing Alternative for Germany (AFD) confirms its second position with 16% of the votes. In Italy, Meloni is in first position, without completing the entire vote count, he would be obtaining approximately 28% of the votes. The extreme right also wins in Austria and improves its results in the Netherlands.
In the Spanish State this reactionary current has also had its expression. The results of PSOE and Popular Party (PP) are not very different from what was obtained in the general elections less than a year ago. The PSOE goes from 31.68% to 30.18% and the PP retains the first position, going from 33.06% to 34.18%. The narrow margin lowers the expectations raised by the right-wing opposition to turn the European elections into a kind of plebiscite and demand early elections.
In the extreme right field, the sum of Vox and Alvise’s formation – “The Party is Over” – reaches 14.2%. Those from Abascal end the night worried. Although they went from 6.21% in 2019 to 9.62%, this result represents a decline compared to the 12.38% of the general elections in 2023. Alvise steals those points and something more, reaching 4.58%.
In the field of the reformist left, Sumar and Podemos together reach 7.92%. A result very similar to the 10.07% in 2019 but below the 12.33% of the general results from a year ago. These European elections had been planned as a kind of primaries between both parties after Podemos’s break with the coalition hegemonized by Yolanda Díaz. The result is that Podemos would take 3.27% (with two female deputies) compared to Sumar’s 4.65%. A position that Irene Montero’s group – Podemos – will want to use to try to recompose itself and evaluate possible new alliances with other reformist sectors dissatisfied with Díaz’s leadership.
The “Now Republics” coalition, formed by Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG) and EH-Bildur (Euskal Herria Bildu -Federation of independence parties), goes from 5.58% to 4.92%, maintaining three of his deputies. The Coalition led by the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) and other forces of the regionalist right goes from 2.82% to 1.61% and maintains its deputy. The biggest drop is suffered by Junts (Together for Catalunya, a center-right Basque nationalist party), which would go from 4.54% to 2.55% and maintain only one of the three deputies obtained in 2019 with Puigdemont at the head.
Although the European results do not seem to generate the earthquake expected by the right, the coalition government is not in a very stable position either. In addition to the instability that will remain in Europe, other domestic elements promise weeks of volatility.
The main problem will be the negotiations to form the next Catalan government. The victory on May 7 of the PSC (Socialist Party of Catalonia) requires a vote in favor of the Commons and ERC (Esquerra Republicana Catalunya), something that has not yet been confirmed at all. But even if it achieves this, the position that Junts adopts at a time when the electoral debacle is increasingly leaving it as a party without access to power, could lead to a terminal crisis of the parliamentary coalition that supports the Executive.
These results do not say anything good for the working class and the popular sectors. The winning forces are in favor of continuing to apply an agenda in favor of large companies and encouraging tendencies toward war. Neither progressivism in the government and its parliamentary partners, nor the right and extreme right that are presented as an alternative, are a way out for the great majorities.
In this framework, the Revolutionary Current of Workers (CRT) presented for the first time a list made up of young people and workers to propose an anti-capitalist and socialist solution, which stands up against the rise of the extreme right and “progressivism” and its partners. who are opening the way for him. The 5,572 votes obtained, with a militant campaign, are a support base to build a revolutionary left that places the axis on the development of mobilization and self-organization.
Thank you to all of you who have trusted in this candidacy of young people and workers raised with great effort.
Faced with the right and the pressure of the lesser evil, it is time to start building an anti-capitalist and socialist left with class independence. This has just begun. pic.twitter.com/kp1orw7Ima
— Pablo Castilla (@PabloCastilla00) June 9, 2024
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com