Vomiting tweets, the Gordo Dan and his entourage of virtual indoctrinators They tried to mutter the massive call of this Saturday. Rabid spokesmen of retrograde ideasthey incurred all kinds of absurdities and discursive aberrations. Lilia Lemoine-published by grace of the Slabo list-came to say that someone could self-perceive “minor.” Speaking on top, the ruling only confirmed his Fear of mass mobilization.
This February 1, The streets throughout the country roared against misogyny, homophobia, denialism and adjustment. Always ready to reduce the impact of any protest, the CABA police estimated at 80,000 people who arrived in Plaza de Mayo. Aerial images certify a clearly higher number. That force permeated the entire national territorywith shocking calls in Córdoba, Rosario, Neuquén, Mendoza, Mar del Plata and San Miguel de Tucumán, among other cities.
The massive protest consigned a political defeat of the ruling party. He also formed a reactionary climate blow built in recent weeks. Overdue, this Sunday Milei ridiculed himself repeating to have been misrepresented.
If you look beyond the last Saturday, the street represents one of the imbalance points within the government scheme. Breaking periodically, illustrates the POLITICAL AND CULTURAL FORCE RELATIONS that nest in the country. Confronts that discursive principle that sees absolute right in society.
To that territory of the street confrontation, with persistence, with persistence, the union and social conduction of Peronism. For a long time the CGT is delivered to a perennial trucethat is not altered with communications, photos or tweets. In the face of this Saturday, its leadership played hiding places, never making an effective call. And in the streets its main leaders were not seen. Alien to all forms of resistance, the Peronist union bureaucracy guarantees the governance of Milei.
Of fighting and battles
Milei’s fierce attack against the LGTBI+ community and the women’s movement is inscindible to social regression project ordered and applauded by the Great Capital National and foreign: the “cultural battle” is inseparable from that “economic battle.”
Media spokesmen and an integral part of the great business, La Nación and Clarín advise to clarify that “anti-woke” radicality. It’s about preventing The street accrue central scenario of the social and political opposition to the government. To prevent the active reaction against homophobia and official misogyny calling for the participation of those who are Aggravated with dismissals, salary attacks, precariousness of life and impoverishment generalized. In that potential convergence the germ of a resistance capable of defeating the project as a whole Mileista Some of that was seen this Saturday. In the flags of emblematic struggles such as the Bonaparte Hospital. In the columns of social, union and human rights organizations. In the posters against denialism and adjustment.
Strengthening that perspective implies military by unifying Social force of the working class (capable of paralyzing the set of economic activity); The combativeness of Women’s movement and the LGTBIQ+ community; the disposition to the fight that showed the Student movement; The heroic dignity that they stage Retirees and retirees Every Wednesday, among many other sectors.
Betting on that path requires Build a political force from below that embodies and attecs that resistance. Build it in Each workplace and in each place of study, in each neighborhood and on each fighting front. Build it in the active support for hard struggles That take place at the Bonaparte hospital, memory sites, PAMI or against discriminatory dismissals in Shell or Pilkington, among others. In the Constant search for the coordination and articulation of these combative sectors. He PTS-left left He puts all his strength and conviction to advance that course.
The deception of the “broad anti -fascist front”
Invoking a broad “anti -fascism”, part of the opposition summons to build a great electoral alliance that integrates those who “are not Milei.” Juan Grabois explicitly enunciated it days ago, calling Martín Lousteau and Elisa Carrió. Unbeatable memory, the names of Daniel Scioli, Alberto Fernández and Sergio Massa They recall where that “strategy” leads. Revival extended and right of “all except Macri”, recalls the formation of that political failure that, taking the name of Front of allhe opened the way to Milei after four years of calamities for popular majorities.
A century ago, Fascist movements emerged as a reactionary response to the threat of the socialist revolution. Political and military organization of broad stripes of the middle classes, had an objective: crush the working class and destroy their organizations. The despair of the social crisis worked as fuel. Betting on the strategic defeat of his fundamental rival, the Great capital encouraged Hitler and Mussoliniturning them into aberrant executor arm of their interests.
But the Fascism was only a government and regime after having imposed on the fight on the streets. Not before. In the German case, that ascent is inscindible to the capitulation and betrayal of the official directions of the labor movement: reformist socialism and stalinist communism. Equ up to unified combat, they facilitated the DEMORALIZATION OF THE WORKING CLASS and the wild action of Nazi shock forces.
Milei’s fascistoid speeches and his dragged courtship do not make up a fascist government. Social resistance in Argentina is far from being crushed. On the contrary, begins to deploy after years of stillness and passivity imposed by its union and social directions, essentially in the hands of Peronism. The problem is, then, the Strategy to face and defeat this reactionary ultra -rightthat unites his hate speeches to the great capital plan.
The “wide anti -fascist front” implies resigning everything serious combat in the streets. Surrender to the Eternal waiting for electoral times and helpless hope of precarious political armed. It is a blind faith in actors that today are part of the political regime that sustains Milei. With whom, even rejected Mileist hate speeches, they endorse and support a program of greater subordination to large financial capital and IMF, destruction of public health and education, labor reform and fierce extractivism.
Lo Contrary to passively waiting for a new disappointment is to actively develop resistance from below; enhance it in each place and on each fight front; extend it. Hours ago, last Saturday, we took a big step on that road. The important thing, The essential thing is not to stop the march.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com