The PSOE believes that the amnesty bill is close to definitively seeing the light of day in Congress. After months of negotiations, and after the text was completely overturned at the beginning of February due to the lack of agreement with Junts, Ferraz is confident that it will be able to obtain the necessary support without the need, they say, to introduce profound modifications in the drafting of the standard.
“The last vote opened a period of reflection that concerned us all, and as a result of that reflection I hope that next Thursday we can move forward with this law,” said the socialist spokesperson, Esther Peña, at a press conference this Monday. The spokesperson has insisted that her party “does not plan any modification” to the law and has avoided confronting Carles Puigdemont after his statements this weekend in which he did not close the door to unilateral action. “In a democracy, it would be more necessary for us to dedicate ourselves to demanding that others renounce their programs and their maximum political proposals,” she limited herself to saying.
In Ferraz they assure that the amnesty law agreed with the Catalan independence parties will be approved in the Congressional Justice Commission convened for this Thursday without any changes with respect to terrorism, after Puigdemont’s people overturned it a month ago demanding greater guarantees for the leaders of the ‘procés’ investigated for this crime.
“We always say it, we feel comfortable and comfortable with the document agreed upon with those six parliamentary groups and that we understand that this Thursday it can obtain the majority support to be approved in that Justice commission,” explained Esther Peña.
Sources from the party leadership familiar with the negotiations clarify, however, that they do not rule out “some small change” but that it does not change “the philosophy of the law.”
The proposed Amnesty Law returned to the Justice Commission on February 6, after a week before Junts voted against it. Then a first period was opened for the issuance of the new opinion, which was later extended at the request of the Socialist Group. It was then that the Congress Board set March 7 as the deadline.
The forecast is that the new opinion can be submitted to the next Plenary Session of the Chamber. Its promoters could try to include it in next week’s session but, if that is not possible, it would go the week of March 18. There the law will be submitted to two votes again. First, the committee’s opinion will be voted on and then the overall vote will take place as it is organic in nature and will only be fruitful if the text receives the support of the absolute majority of the Chamber.
If this happens, the initiative will be sent to the Senate to continue its journey. The PP has an absolute majority in the Upper House and wants to delay the procedures as much as possible. In any case, you will not be able to do so for more than two months since that is the limit established by the Constitution.
Source: www.eldiario.es