“The PP does not require any dialogue table like the one it has created with the independentists and now wants to extend to the rest. If you have decided to humiliate yourself abroad with mediators, do not count on us to whitewash these humiliations. “The PP is not going to collaborate in the whitewashing of those who blackmail him to remain president.” Thus, the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, has rejected the offer of a “working commission” between the Government and the main opposition party to address three negotiations: Judicial Power, reform of article 49 of the Constitution and regional financing.

Gamarra assured during an intervention before the Executive Committee of the PP of Aragon that its leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will answer the phone call that Sánchez announced during the reception for Constitution Day in Congress. A contact that should occur before the end of the year, according to the Chief Executive.

The announcement went down badly with the PP, which criticized that they had found out from journalists. But Feijóo said that as long as he is leader of the opposition he will always respond to the call of the President of the Government out of institutional responsibility.

So Feijóo will answer the phone, and will meet with Sánchez if necessary. But in no case will he accommodate that “working committee” that for the PP is synonymous with “dialogue table”, which will hypothetically make them equal to Junts and ERC, as Gamarra explained.

“Our working method will be the same as always, the one that democracy deserves,” the party’s ‘number two’ said in Zaragoza. The appointments, if they occur, will be “in the institutions and parliaments.” “Everything that our party has to negotiate with Sánchez’s party will always be within the scope of the institutions and parliament,” he reiterated. “Neither tables nor mediators, of course in Spanish territory,” he added.

Regarding the content of the theoretical meeting, not even called yet, Gamarra has greatly lowered expectations. Regarding the blockade of the General Council of the Judiciary that the PP has exercised for five years, the general secretary has reiterated that they are not going to budge one iota from her proposal. The PP defends that its 137 deputies allow it to impose the reform of the appointment system, and force it to be approved at the same time as the new composition of the governing body of judges.

“We are not going to change our mind,” said Gamarra, who has not mentioned the third way that has been opened to find a solution, and which involves rearranging the powers of the CGPJ, in line with the proposal launched last week by the accidental president of the body, Vicente Guilarte.

Guilarte and Feijóo spoke for a few minutes this Wednesday in Congress during the reception, although the content of the conversation has not been revealed. The PP is entrenched in the aphorism “let the judges elect the judges”, but the European Commission is urging the right to end a five-year blockade.

Sánchez also wants to address the reform of article 49 of the Constitution to eliminate the word “diminished”, something that all groups in the Cortes theoretically agree on, but that cannot be carried out. Gamarra has assured that “the PP remains committed to the conditions already agreed with the PSOE” in the last legislature: “That it will not serve for an indirect reform of other issues and that under no circumstances will there be a referendum” on the reform. If this is true, he said, “it can be unlocked immediately.”

The president has mentioned regional financing as a third point that this “working committee” should address. Gamarra has been very skeptical and has demanded that what is agreed upon not be subsequently submitted to the independentists, who have their own seat on the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council which, by the way, will meet this Monday.

The PP will also propose adding a fourth point to the agenda of the meeting: the amnesty. “We have the right to know what is being negotiated and why national sovereignty is subject to control abroad, what verifiers they are and how much it will cost,” Gamarra concluded.

Source: www.eldiario.es

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