Christian Castilloa PTS deputy in the Left Front, spoke with IP News and denounced that the Government says there is no money for the people, but there are millions for the SIDE or there are exemptions for businessmen like Galperin. Castillo said that it is a lie that the adjustment is on the caste, the adjustment is based on the retirees.
About the session of this Wednesday in CongressCastillo said that “the situation is complicated because the two-thirds vote for rejection is not guaranteed. At this point, it will be a finite vote.”
The national deputy pointed out that “we have seen today the meeting of these five radical deputies with Milei in Casa Rosada, a real embarrassment, part of this policy of buying and selling votes with which the government managed to approve the Ley Bases when it obtained three exact votes in exchange for positions to achieve a tie in that vote in the Senate. And now again, deputies to whom surely some offer of something must have been made. For example, one is the one who would enter as senator replacing Lucila Crexell, Cervi in Neuquén, then there is Campero from Tucumán, Arjol from Misiones, Tournier from Corrientes. I think it is a scandal, an embarrassment, because they are deputies who had voted in favor of this law. It is even said that there are others who would not go against the veto, who had also voted in favor, because the radicalism had 33 of 34 who voted in favor and now they would turn around and vote with the government.”
The deputy pointed out that “we must also look at the absences that there are in the end. I think it is a disgrace because, indeed, it is the cruelty towards retirees who earn just a little more than 300,000 pesos that they will receive this month with the bonus in the case of the minimum, and this would be 17,000 pesos, a croissant per day, as my colleague Nicolás del Caño described during the questioning of Guillermo Francos. And not even that, because it is true, this increase is very modest.”
Castillo said that “we are going to reject the veto, which is a totally anti-democratic, monarchical institution, a monarchical vestige of the Constitution that Milei used now, and has already said that she will use it again against university funding with a big lie that there is no money when for the things that the government wants money, there is money to give tax exemptions to large companies like Galperin, or for the SIDE, there is money for retirees or for any popular demand, this government raises that refrain that there is no money. But well, it is a lie to sustain this discourse of adjustment to the people.”
Regarding the rally outside Congress, Castillo said that “social pressure is necessary to put pressure on the government’s lobby. I personally believe that perhaps the best strategy would have been to unite the fight against the university and retirement veto. The blocks that called for it somehow saw that the best thing was to deal with the issue of the retirement veto as soon as possible. I believe that pressure from outside is key, it is central. There are unions that say they are going to mobilize, what is complicated is to do so without a strike. It seems to me that Milei’s decision to veto merited a general strike so that the presence in the streets would be as massive as possible to reject the veto, which I insist, is a totally antidemocratic and profoundly cruel measure.”
The PTS deputy stressed that “in the case of the retirement veto, all the measurements that there are on whether people are against or in favor of the measure give 60 to 75 percent against. So, those deputies were not elected on the mandate of vetoing an increase for retirees. In fact, the radicals entered the lists of Together for Change, which had a demagogic discourse towards retirees, and which is part of its electoral base that they are attacking directly.” “So, it seems to me that they are deputies, I don’t know, who want to liquidate their political career, because at least a very important part of the population will remember what they are voting for and that they are voting against retirees, and I don’t think they will support them again,” added Castillo.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com