The Government was forced to announce a bonus of up to $15,000 for three months, along with the announcement of the first 17.04% mobility readjustment of the year, so that retirees and pensioners do not have to collect on hand less than what they received in February, consummating a sharp deterioration in purchasing power. This is the incredible situation that is reached after the modification promoted by the government of the pension mobility formula in 2020 without agreeing to incorporate a guarantee that pensions cannot be adjusted below inflation.
This Friday the March quarterly increase of the benefits of Anses of 17.04%. In this way, the minimum credit will be $58,665, less than what they receive today between credit ($50,124) and the $10,000 bonus. The Universal Child Allowance, which is also updated by the mobility index, will rise from $9,795 to $11,464.

Fernanda Raverta, director of Anses, accompanied by Sergio Massa finished the announcement by assuring that, with this increase, “no retiree will earn less than 73,000 pesos.” As if it were an achievement that those who worked all their lives today continue to collect a pension of misery.
The increases granted with the mobility formula lagged far behind inflation. In December, the having a minimum (without bonus) accumulated a loss of 11% In real terms in the last three years, after having risen 320% cumulatively between December 2019 and December 2022, below inflation it accumulated 371% in the same period.
For her part, the loss of purchasing power reaches up to 18% with the maximum assetswhich increased 286% cumulatively in the last three years.
In this way, with updating assets by 17.04%and considering the expected inflation for January (5.6%), February (5.5%) and March (5.7%) according to the disclosure of the Central Bank, this loss of between 11 and 18% crystallizes for the benefits.
In the case of the minimum credit, the Government had to announce a $15,000 monthly bonus, to bring the total income to $73,665, which would represent 17% more than what was received in the previous quarter. On the other hand, the assets of two minimums and above that do not receive a bonus will continue to suffer a deep deterioration.
The paradox for the Government is that these bonuses cannot stop being implemented because the increases for mobility would be annulled if those retirees who earn the minimum lose the collection of the bonuses. It should be remembered that the minimum having barely represents less than a third of what the Retiree Basket is worth prepared by the Ombudsman for the Third Age, of $ 151.478 in October 2022.
For this reason, the D.defender of the Third AgeDr. Eugene Seminois demanding that the National Government integrate a sum of $50,000 from the month of March 2023a all assets of the seven million two hundred thousand beneficiaries of the National System and equal to the million non-contributory pensions.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com