This Friday, November 22, the deputies of the Left Front Unity they called for a public hearing in rejection of the layoffs in the sector of railways and also from any attempt to privatization by the national government. They also claimed that the only option capable of satisfying the needs of the workers and popular sectors is the nationalization of the entire railway system under the management of workers and users.
Present on behalf of the FITU bench were: Nicolás del Caño y Christian Castillo (both from PTS), Monica Schlotthauer (IS) y Vanina Biasiwho once again make their benches available to the workers so that their voices and demands can be expressed. The deputies shared the table with the railway workers: Rubén “Pollo” Sobrero, Andrés Padellaro and Jorge Hospital.
Monica Schlotthauer speaking
Chrisitian Castillo, speaking

Rubén Sobrero, speaking
Nicolás del Caño, speaking
Andrés Padellaro, from the Naranja Ferroviaria Group, speaking

Jorge Hospital, speaking.
They were present, workers of different railway lines: Sarmiento, Roca, Belgrano Sur and Belgrano Cargas, San Martín, among others.
After the members of the table took the floor, the microphone was opened for the different sectors to express themselves. As part of the railway workers who spoke: Analía Loprete (farewell to DECAFH), Omar López del Roca, Nahuel Gónzalez (from Belgrano Cargas), Ricardo Santa Cruz (from Roca), Alex (from Belgrano Sur), among others.

Ricardo Santa Cruz speaking
Nahuel Gónzalez speaking
Workers from other sectors in struggle also participated, such as subway, aeronauticalfired from Inns and user organizations Let’s save the train. Among them, Diego, a worker fired from GPS-Aerolíneas, Agata Elsesser (fired from Posadas and CICOP delegate), Agustina Chavez (from the subway), Raúl Godoy, national leader of the PTS and MAC and Daniel Sierra (congreasl of SUTEBA).
Agustina Chavez speaking
Agata Elsesser speaking
Diego Burkman, speaking.
Raúl Godoy speaking
The commitment of all those present was to coordinate and join forces to fight against any dismissal and attempted privatization of the railways, but also against the entire Milei adjustment plan. For their part, the commitment of the deputies is to always use their seats to represent the interests of the workers, an example of this is the project they have presented that proposes the nationalization of the entire railway system and its management under workers and users.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com