The Left Unity Front bloc presented this Tuesday a bill that proposes to the Lower House to declare the “absolute and insurable nullity” of the mega DNU 70/2023, which was issued by the government of Javier Milei last December, under the title of “Bases for the reconstruction of the Argentine economy.”

Contrary to numerous definitions that have a constitutional nature (such as the one that establishes that the Executive Branch does not have the power to legislate, as Congress does), the mega DNU eliminates and limits individual and collective rights and guarantees that protect broad sectors of the society, on an enormous multiplicity of topics.

As detailed in the text presented, which can be read in full below, with 366 articles, the national government measure modifies and repeals (in some cases totally and in others partially) at least 74 laws permanently, when one of the exclusive requirements for measures of this type is precisely that it is “a temporary decision aimed at alleviating an alleged exceptional situation.” As the Left Front points out, even when one does not agree with this type of measures -as is the case with FITU-, it is undeniable that the government decree does not comply with any of the precepts established by law.

Without justification

“With Congress functioning and having not been able to demonstrate either the exceptional nature or the need and urgency of the measures it proposes, There is no justification for this mega decree to be in force or for this structural modification to be imposed.of dozens of laws and hundreds of articles, which even include the legalization of the resale of tickets at sporting events,” he noted in this regard. Myriam Bregman.

Nicolás del Caño explains in this sense that “today decree 70/2023 is in force and already has serious consequences on access to health, education, housing, work, territories and the economy, among various other issues that affect the lives of millions of people. It is a true war plan against the popular sectors“, he said, and recalled that “completely reprehensible acts, such as the attempt to empty the Télam news agency and leave hundreds of families on the street, are also protected by this mega DNU.”

“We cannot continue to delay the time to bring together the two Chambers and reject it in the Bicameral Commission and in the chamber, but in addition, the harmful effect that this DNU has is so great that the corresponding remedy is its declaration of nullity. It is not enough for it to be rejected in both Chambers. It is also necessary that the nullity of the decree and all its measures be declared immediately.. That is what we continue to demand in Deputies, now with the presentation of this bill,” added the deputies. Castle and Vilca.

How the debate continues in Congress

Let us remember that the Bicameral Commission for legislative processingchaired by the questioned senator of La Libertad Avanza, Juan Carlos Pagotto – who was a defense lawyer for repressors during the last dictatorship -, will begin to discuss, among other things, the aforementioned DNU from this Thursday.

For this purpose, as was revealed this Tuesday, the ruling party summoned the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse; to the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo; to the Secretary of State Transformation and Public Function, Armando Giubert; to the Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Fernando Vilella; to the Secretary of Labor, Employment and Social Security, Omar Yasin; to the Minister of Health, Mario Russo; and the director of the ANSeS, Mariano de los Heros Battini to assist in substantiating the need and urgency of this decree. An event that, according to current regulations, should have occurred 10 days after the DNU was issued. As happened during the extraordinary sessions with the call of the ruling party to discuss the Omnibus Law, it is not confirmed that the ministers who have the greatest responsibility in drafting the measure, such as Posse and Caputo, will participate.

According to the regulations of the Chamber, it is up to the Commission to issue a ruling -only- on the validity or invalidity of the decree in question, but this Commission cannot influence the substantive issue of the text nor, therefore, introduce amendments or suggestions. In the same sense, once their decision reaches each Chamber, Deputies and Senators will have the possibility of approving or rejecting the DNU, without the possibility of making additions, suspensions or any other type of change. Furthermore, the acceptance or rejection of the decree must have the vote of the absolute majority of the members present.

If both chambers reject the DNU, it loses validity permanently. In any case, in the period from the promulgation of the decree until the end of its treatment in Congress, the decree maintains its validity as another law. The left’s project therefore states that it is not enough for the Bicameral Commission or the Chambers of Deputies and Senators to reject it, but rather that “its absolute nullity must be determined so that all its effects are retroactive. “Nothing can be left standing.”

The Bullrich protocol, the mega DNU, the failed Omnibus Law that the government seeks to bring divided, in parts, back to Congress and the entire adjustment plan that the national government and the provincial governments are deepening, at the service of the large economic groups and the IMF, can only fall with the force organized from below and the mobilization in the streets, extracting from the union leaders the call for a true plan of struggle, unifying that force with the neighborhood assemblies that stand up, and with all the sectors in struggle. The Left Front benches are at the service of strengthening, inside and outside parliament, that perspective.

Project L_Declaration of Absolute and Insanible Nullity of DNU 70_2023 by Sol Bajar on Scribd


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