The judge in the Villarejo case, Manuel García Castellón, has ordered the summons as defendants of Francisco Martínez, Secretary of State for Security during the Government of Mariano Rajoy, and the deputy operational director of the Police at the time, Eugenio Pino, within the framework of the investigation. of an alleged extortion plot against lawyer Javier Gómez de Liaño in order to prevent information from being published about box B of the PP when the lawyer represented Luis Bárcenas, former treasurer of the political party.
Piece 36 of the Villarejo case charges the three participants in a recorded conversation, and contributed to the case, who talk about an operation to blackmail Gómez de Liaño with information about an alleged black payment from the lawyer for his defense of the Russian mobster. Zakhar Kalashov and that journalistic publications in 2014 about the irregular financing of the PP cease.
In the audio, one of the participants says that in charge of the maneuver is a State lawyer on leave who responds directly to María Dolores de Cospedal, then general secretary of the party. Cospedal herself has testified as a witness in the case, ensuring that she is unaware of the alleged plot. During her testimony, she even denied that she knew who paid the lawyers that Bárcenas had before Gómez de Liaño when at the time, and in public, she admitted that the fee was paid by the Popular Party.
The statement of the former Secretary of State and the then operational director of the Police will be made at the request of Gómez de Liaño, who is prosecuting the private prosecution, and with the support of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, although Judge García Castellón has not yet set a date. .
In his car, to which elDiario.es has had access, García Castellón assures that until now neither defendants nor witnesses have linked Martínez to the events, while justifying his summons because in Commissioner Villarejo’s diaries there appear notes that indicate that He was aware of the maneuver. Villarejo’s diaries are taken as credible by the investigators of the case as they are notes that the commissioner had intended for his personal use and that were seized when he was already in prison and thought they were safe from the investigations.
In them, Villarejo collects eight quotes with ‘Chisco’, the nickname he gave to Francisco Martínez, with allusions to what the commissioner described as “Operation Kalasov”, for the Russian mobster who would have paid 5 million in black money to Liaño, which The lawyer flatly denies it.
On April 4, 2014, for example, Villarejo writes next to “Chisco”: “Kalas – Liaño”. On August 4 he meets again with the then Secretary of State and notes: “Sergi says that Liaño receives money in Switzerland.” Six appointments are in 2014 but there are two previous ones, corresponding to 2013. This is the same reason that the judge assumes to summon, also as an investigator, Eugenio Pino, deputy operational director, that is, entries in Villarejo’s agenda to discuss with him the theme of Liaño.
Both Martínez and Pino will sit in the dock for Operation Kitchen, the espionage of Bárcenas using reserved funds. Anti-corruption requests a sentence of 15 years in prison for each of them. Operation Kitchen is the parapolice maneuver to destroy the judicial investigation of box B of the PP. For this reason, the parallel plot to pressure Bárcenas’ lawyer in which they have been cited as defendants has come to be called Parallel Kitchen or Legal Kitchen.
Cosidó is free again
On the other hand, García Castellón refuses to cite Alejandro Auset Domper despite the fact that the Prosecutor’s Office points to him as the State lawyer on leave at the head of a “legal lobby” that would work for the PP, which would have commissioned the attack on Liaño, and who would respond directly to María Dolores de Cospedal. He also refuses to summon the then director of the Police, Ignacio Cosidó.
García Castellón alleges that Liaño does not specify whether they should appear as witnesses or defendants and that no indication of their participation has emerged so far, although the anti-corruption prosecutor asked in his interrogations if the State lawyer on leave referred to in the audio The cause is Alejandro Auset.
[Una primera versión de esta información recogía por error que Francisco Martínez y Eugenio Pino habían sido citados como testigos]
Source: www.eldiario.es