This Friday, in Florencio Varela, Axel Kicillof praised his management in educational matters. In an act where he delivered 158 computers to students from four schools (less than 40 devices per establishment), the governor of the Province of Buenos Aires stated: “Many say that politicians are all the same, but they are those who make schools and those who don’t; those who distribute computers and those who don’t; the ones that connect the schools and those who don’t. So we are not the same”.
Obviously, a cohort of officials and militants from the local mayor, Andres Watsonapplauded wildly when Kicillof named Mauricio Macri y Mary Eugenia Vidal as responsible for leaving the program Connect Buenos Aires Equality. The same when he boasted of giving more connectivity to public schools compared to his predecessors.

But at that very moment Kicillof, his Minister of Education Alberto Sileoni and the rest of the civil service (in which the leadership of suteba and other guilds) did not stop receiving messages from all the districts warning of the satiety that began to express itself in hundreds of schools and that, in some cases, led to the suspension of classes for lack of minimum conditions of operation in classrooms, patios and bathrooms that recorded, on average, 40 degree temperature.
Construction of expansion of space that years ago they are not finished (that is, overcrowding of classrooms and halls), fans (forget about an air conditioner) that they do not work for more than a year ago, lack of water (sometimes due to a general cut and other times due to lack of pipes and pressure), buildings without ventilation adequate, absence of dispensers or other alternative form of provision of hydration; and a very long etcetera. That is the postcard extended in most schools throughout the province. A postcard that, consciously, all the wings of the Front of All they want to hide with the complicity of the right-wing opposition (which is neither interested in the issue or only takes it demagogically).
As reported in The Left Daily teachers and other members of the educational community, examples abound. In The slaughterduring noon there were a march to the School Board where they converged from different schools. “You can’t teach like that!”, they shouted in front of the building of the entity that, together with the Government, is in charge of maintaining the schools in each city or district. The national deputies participated in that march Nicholas del Caño y romina del plathe former deputy Nathalia González Seligra and the local councilor Natalia Hernandezall of the Left Front and Workers Unity.
For those same hours, in Tigre almost fifty schools (according to data collected by driving Multicolor from the local Suteba, opponent of the Frenteto Roberto Baradel) directly suspended their classes. There, several cases of imbalances of teachers, students and students. The same could be learned from At payment, Berisso y Ensenadawhere the opposition of the “celestial” leadership of Suteba has a lot of weight and support from the bases.

The claims, systematically neglected by the Ministry of Education led by Sileoni, range from a contingency plan before the “surprise” (it was known that it would be like this) wave of heat until the start of works in schools that have had an “assigned budget” for a long time. In the provincial capital, the school 55 (6 and 72) is a clear example. Since last year, $42 million has been allocated for the construction of classrooms and bathrooms. They were told that they would be done in the summer, but not a brick was touched. Today the school works with “rotation” of courses (they occupy classrooms -without fans- alternately) and bathrooms (there are times to go according to the course to which they belong). From there they come making symbolic hugs and other protests.
Faced with this situation, both officials and bureaucratic union leaders urge teachers and assistants to give classes at any cost. They do it in line with the directives of the Minister of Education of the Nation who leads Jaime Perzcykwho came to say that if it is very hot “you have to teach in the courtyard”. Undoubtedly, a contempt for the well-being of thousands of girls and boys from working families.
The decline of the public school in the province is not the exclusive responsibility of the current Peronist management. Nor does it occur only in Buenos Aires territory. In The Left Daily you can see the amount of complaints about it coming from all over the country. But in the case of Kicillof, the effort he makes for make people believe who is concerned about the educational crisis.
Both when Kicillof was Minister of Economy of Cristina Kirchner as now that he governs the largest province in the country, the decay from public school was a constant. Only in the best years of GDP growth did Peronism “spill over” some resources for public education. Never at a level that could compromise budget “savings” for pay the debt o finance the big capitalists.
Who every day support the public school in the province of Buenos Aires, the teachersthe and the auxiliaries and the and the students They no longer believe Kicillof and his spokesmen. In that sense, the brown pool in the Multicolor poses “promote safety and hygiene committees from schools” together with families “to take control of the conditions of the schools” and at the same time establish “coordination at the provincial level” to demand that Baradel and the rest of the union bureaucracy “That breaks its integration into the Government and fights for the budget for education”.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com