The Government plans to offer some 40,000 civil servant positions this year. The ministry headed by José Luis Escrivá is preparing a royal decree on Public Employment Offers that will be submitted to the Council of Ministers in the coming weeks and that includes the provision of free shift access positions and those for internal promotion. According to sources from this department, with this proposal, slightly higher than the 39,574 last year, “the generation of net employment is guaranteed.”

The plan, however, has been received unevenly by the main unions. In fact, only UGT has shown itself “satisfied” with the criteria that were set this Wednesday at the general negotiation table of the General Administration of the State. According to the union, of the 40,121 positions, some 20,840 will be free shifts and, at least, 10,600 will correspond to internal promotion, in addition to the 8,681 positions for the Armed Forces and the State Security Forces and Bodies. Another 4,162 will be allocated to new services contemplated in the 2023 budget law, such as the State Public Employment Service, Social Security or the General Directorate of Traffic.

The Workers’ Commissions have considered the proposal “poor in quantitative and qualitative terms” and have regretted that the ministry has “refused” to modify it in successive meetings, as well as to provide data on the replacement rate. Specifically, CCOO points out that the proposal regarding 2023 “gets worse”, mainly with respect to the number of personnel in the General State Administration.

The Independent Trade Union and Civil Servants Center (CSIF) has maintained the same line, which has not signed the text presented by the Public Service either because, it has said, “it is insufficient, it arrives late and maintains the replacement rate.” This last point is one of the main demands of this union because it limits the number of positions that can be filled in the public administration with respect to previous dismissals. The Executive promised to eliminate it in 2025.

Although the ministry assures that these slightly more than 40,000 positions guarantee the generation of net employment, CSIF calculates that there is a new loss of workforce, with 443 fewer positions and recalls that the General Administration of the State “accumulates a deficit of 43,000 places, corresponding to the period 2010-2020”, when in some of those years the replacement rate reached 10%, and that “60% of the workforce will retire in the next decade.”

Another point that the union center highlights is that the OPE does not guarantee the execution of deadlines. One of the common problems that opponents face is that a lot of time can pass between the tests being carried out and the actual possession of the place. In this sense, CSIF denounces “the delay in the public employment offer processes since 2019, with nearly 50,000 unfilled positions.”

The call for public employment prepared by the Executive goes in parallel with the processes underway as a result of law 20/2021 for the reduction of temporary employment in public employment that the Court of Justice of the European Union called into question last week , considering that it does not represent a sanction for abuses of temporary employment by the administration, and that groups of interim workers ask to annul.


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