After the elections, there was a series of measures and declarations that favor the right. Editorial of “El Círculo Rojo”, a program from La Izquierda Diario that is broadcast on Thursdays from 10 pm to 12 midnight on Radio Con Vos, 89.9.

  • Since the August 13 primary election, Javier Miley became a kind of center around which it orbits political discussion and ideological debate. Analyzes and interpretations multiplied that try to explain the phenomenon (I tried some definitions myself); that seek to track the characteristics of their voters and their motivations; how much they agree with the ideas of the libertarian project; how much rationality or how much emotionality there is in that endorsement. Very good texts were written that contributed to the debate: those that focused on the “new sociology” (especially in the world of work) that would be at the base of this political earthquake; in the new subjectivities generated by different causes, among them the consequences of the pandemic and confinement; others focused on the new forms of communication and the use of social networks. All very interesting, but ultimately accessory, because basically the explanation is political.
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  • In this field, that of politics, from the PASO until today we have witnessed a series of measures and statements that seem consciously aimed at strengthening the candidacy of Javier Milei.
  • The first was the devaluation of more than 20% that the government decided Monday after the PASO together with the rise in the BCRA reference rate (118%) which immediately generated a sharp price increase that we are going to finish seeing when the inflation data for this month is known; and on the other hand, the rise in rates is a greater pressure to the recession of the economy (because it makes credit more expensive and benefits deposits). That is, it produces a greater loss of purchasing power of salary and income in general (social income and retirements. AUH) what is in the basis of the social unrest that ended in support for Milei.
  • A few days later, two media interventions took place or Sergio Massa interviews (Minister of Economy and candidate for president of Unión por la Patria). One was on TN and the other on Crónica TV. In TN, allegedly arguing against the privatization of public education, he said that instead of transforming the education service into payment, it would be necessary to require “teachers to complete 180 days of class”. The next day, in Crónica he was more explicit and said: “Guys, the joke is over for whatever we claim, for anything we strike, enough!”. The subtext of this statement (or if you want the subtext, the text) is that the problems of education lie in the claims of the workers and teacher workers. That is to say: a big concession to Milei (or Patricia Bullrich) Disguised as a fighter against Milei or Bullrich. Why? Because they say exactly that: that the problems of public education are the responsibility of its workers and the union organization. when we all know that the problem of education is primarily budgetary due to budget cuts and under-execution promoted by, among others, Sergio Massa. An example: the item for the Building Strengthening of Kindergartens had projected the construction of 7,343 classrooms for the period 2018-2023, do you know how many were actually built?: 927. Of course, this produces a deficit, inefficiency, a greater demand about a system that has building problems and many problems that are not the responsibility of the teachers. This without talking about the salary problem in an inflationary context.
  • Finally, he was the embarrassing session on the rental law in the Chamber of Deputies, now passed to the Senate for final approval. In the facts, they repealed part of the rental law (annulling the few progressive items it had): the obligation to sign three-year contracts ends (now they will be two), the indexation that was governed by the index that combined inflation and wages is ended (now it will be left to the free will of the strongest) and now It will be possible to increase every four months (before it was every one year). Let’s see, to show the magnitude of the problem: this affects 10 million people who rent in Argentina.

    Regarding this session, at the beginning there was speculation about the possibility of not achieving a quorum. The bloc of Javier Milei and his three deputies was key to achieving it. Here it is worth pausing a little: He had said that he was going for the repeal, but he called the session with Juntos por el Cambio and Juan Schiaretti’s bloc without having any project. His concrete attitude was essential for Together for Change to reach a quorum when the session began and at the time of voting on his opinion. It does not matter what the three deputies of Milei voted after, the circus to withdraw from the premises, etc. Because its function was that. In the facts, he colluded with “the caste” against the millions of people forced to rent.

  • But What was remarkable was what happened to the ruling bloc: there were 13 absentees from the Frente de Todos bloc that, if they participated and voted against the initiative of the right of JxC they could have changed the outcome of the vote. Not only that, Emiliano Estrada from Salta abstained instead of voting against. In summary, a triumph of the real estate lobby achieved thanks to the impulse of some and the deletion of others.
  • So, we have an economic orientation that strengthens the trends that led to the triumph of Milei; political statements against teachers that are a conceptual capitulation to Milei’s ideology (and from Bullrich) and a parliamentary practice that allows the pro-market orientation that Milei proposes for the entire economy, It is applied in an area as sensitive as housing, which has become a business for few and a martyrdom for many.. Let’s see, those who voted for this law and those who facilitated it, they agree with Milei: where there is a need (and what a need for a place to live!) a business is born.
  • One more time, how was that about the game on the right?

  • Politics / Sergio Massa / Patricia Bullrich / Javier Milei / Ley de Alquileres / Docentes


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