Strong storms continue to hit the Buenos aires city y much of the province generating great damage and a new fatality. This afternoon the national meteorological service issued a red alert for all of Amba and the part south of Santa Fe and Entre Ríos due to winds exceeding 100 km/h and electrical storms.

The red alert is because “Exceptional meteorological phenomena are expected with the potential to cause emergencies or disasters“as described by the organization. This is why the SMN recommends returning home before 7 p.m. this Wednesday, which is expected to be the strongest moment of the storm.

Source: SMN

The Government “recommends” staying at home but classes were not suspended nor was a holiday declared to guarantee that all workers can be in their homes during the worst of the storm. Knowing in advance the intensity of the storm, and taking into account that they are becoming more frequent, no one takes preventive measures so that the floods do not repeat themselves as they have been happening.

Federico Puy, teacher and press secretary of Ademys, reported showing how they are suffering from these rains in Barracas, in Villa 21-24

Buenos Aires province

Once again, the Buenos Aires suburbs are one of the most affected areas; Axel Kicillof’s government also does nothing to avoid the dramatic consequences of the electrical storms.

Nathalia Gonzalez reported on the social network x, the flooding of secondary school 128 of Laferrere, in The slaughter:

Florencio Varela also suffered the consequences of the storm

In San Martin They report that a young man disappears in a canal, the Jose Ingenieros canal that divides the Libertador and Lanzone neighborhoods of the San Martín district.

In Merlo They also suffered the consequences of a storm that could have been avoided, but no government invested as needed in public education, and it is our kids and education workers who suffer the adjustment

News in development.


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