As of this Thursday, the Open Assemblies of the PTS-Front of Left Unity. As had already happened in 2022, together with the main references of the PTS, thousands of workers, workers, students, women and young people participate. Are instances of debate, reflection and organization. Instances where, between all of us, we can decide how to move forward to make the left strong for the political fights that are coming, in a year that will be marked centrally by the electoral fight.
The first, as we already told you, took place in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Lugano, together with Myriam Bregman and Alejandrina Barry. Also in Trelew, in the south of the country, where they will continue next weekend. Now, following that activity, an important batch starts.
They started, last Thursday, in Palpalá, Jujuy, with the participation of Alejandro Vilca, Christian Castillo, Julio Mamani, councilor of Palpalá, Gastón Remy, councilor of San Salvador de Jujuy and Natalia Morales provincial deputy (MC). There, among other things, it was proposed that Julio be the candidate for mayor of that town.
In the same province, but on Fridaya very important assembly took place in the town of ledesma. With the participation of dozens of workers from different sectors, together with colleagues who were active in the 70s and faced the repression of the State. There, again, Alejandro Vilca and Christian Castillo were again. Together with them participated Natalia Morales and Miguel López.
Buenos aires city
Also this Friday afternoon, but in the City of Buenos AiresThe Pompeii-Bajo Flores Assembly took place at the Chilavert worker-managed printing press. They were attended by health workers and hospitals such as Garrahan and Penna, residents and attendees who staged one of the most important fights in the White Sea, Elemento textile workers, teachers in the area, auto parts operators, medical students and young distributors and precarious workers. There, the national news and the proposals for pre-candidacies of the PTS in the Left Front were discussed, in addition to the invitation to organize and mobilize this 8th and March 24th. participated here Alexandrine BarryBuenos Aires legislator for the PTS-FITU, and Matias MaielloPTS leader and author of the book “From mobilization to revolution”.
I participated in an important assembly in Pompeii with residents, attendees, stretcher-bearer nurses and health administrators together with teachers, textile workers, students, to discuss that in the face of the crisis that the traditional parties have led us THE EXIT IS TO THE LEFT pic.twitter.com/Dk3UX3KOpg
— Alejandrina Barry (@Barry__Ale) March 4, 2023
Also in CABA, but this Saturday, various assemblies are held. One of them takes place in the premises located on Alsina street, a few meters from 9 de Julio avenue. There, together with workers and students, participates Fernando Rosso, journalist and director of The Left Daily and of the red circlewhich is issued by radio with you. Also present is Martín Brat, delegate and referent of GPS aeronautical workers.

In Villa CrespoAnother of the Open Assemblies takes place at the Mutual Sentimiento headquarters. Promoted among militants, fellow group members and sympathizers from the Buenos Aires neighborhoods of Villa Crespo, Villa Ortúzar, Almagro and Chacarita, it unites different sectors. Subway workers, telecommunications workers, teachers, tertiary students from Normal 1 and 3, Alicia M. de Justo and Joaquín V. González, as well as precarious and unemployed youth, students from the National Technological University (UTN) and of the faculties of Economics, Philosophy and Medicine of the UBA.
In Villa Crespo there is an assembly in the Mutual Sentimiento, from 5:00 p.m. they met among militants, comrades of groups and sympathizers from the Buenos Aires neighborhoods of Villa Crespo, Villa Ortuzar, Almagro and Chacarita, they affirm that the exit is to the left. pic.twitter.com/Aas9KQO1kx
– The Daily Left (@izquierdadiario) March 4, 2023
In the neighborhood of flowers another of the Assemblies takes place. There, together with Patricio del Corro and Titín Moreira, both national leaders of the PTS, they debate railway, health, teachers, state workers, students of Philosophy and Letters and secondary schools. Neighbors of the neighborhood also participate, who described what is coming suffering with power and water cuts, for example, with the loss of merchandise. Or with schools where students faint and hospitals with post-op rooms without air conditioning. All this debate led to discuss how to face the adjustment and to the right, which says that there is a lack of tariffs in public services. For all this, it is essential to strengthen the candidacies of the Left Unity Front.

West Conurbano
Also on Friday afternoon, but in the west of the Buenos Aires suburbs, in Dovecote, another of the open assemblies took place. With the participation of workers and workers of the Hospital Posadas, teachers, neighbors and the kids from Carlos Gardel. They discussed the economic and political situation, the challenges of the left and the need to organize against the adjustment of the IMF, the right and the businessmen. In addition, it was proposed to take these proposals to places of work, study and the neighborhood. Likewise, some of the pre-candidacies of the PTS-Left Front were voted on, as well as the need to mobilize forcefully on March 24.
This Saturday, in Córdoba also hosts an important Assembly in the provincial capital. There the assemblies that had been operating in different neighborhoods of Córdoba capital, in Punilla and Traslasierra, meet.

At payment
Another of the PTS assemblies takes place in the capital of the Province of Buenos Aires. There, next to Raúl Godoy and Luana Simionihundreds of young people and workers meet to discuss an alternative to the adjustment and precariousness of life.
#Now a great Assembly begins in #LaPlata
Hundreds of young people and workers came together to discuss an alternative to the adjustment and precariousness of life#LaSalidaEsPorIzquierda pic.twitter.com/rv7urENhsP— PTS La Plata (@PTS_LaPlata) March 4, 2023
Southern zone of Greater Buenos Aires
In the Workers and Socialist House “Lucas Luna”, of Monte Grandeassembled members of Ezeiza y Esteban Echeverria. Most of them are Megaflex workers, outsourced GPS aeronautics from the international airport, railway workers from the Roca line, unemployed, students from the ISFD 35 in Monte Grande, teachers from the ES 1 in Ezeiza, from the Art Center and the Home School, among other places. . Present were Gabriel Padilla, a GPS Ezeiza outsourced worker, and Agustín Palazesi, a teacher and member of the Agrupación Marrón, who were voted as pre-candidates by the PTS to integrate the electoral lists of the Left Front in the area.

In temperleythe assemblies of Lomas de zamora y Admiral Brown, who proposed Andrés Padellaro, a historic railway leader, together with teachers Nicolás Bendersky and Paula Canalis as district pre-candidates. The assembly included workers from Megaflex in the fight for their reincorporation, metallurgists, commerce, telecommunications, self-employed workers, from the Roca Railway, from the Health of the Alende Hospital and other centers, as well as members of Cicop Lomas de Zamora, tertiary students of the ISFD 41 of Adrogué, of the ISFD 102 of Lomas and the EMAV, of the National University of Lomas de Zamora (UNLZ), teachers of the ENAM of Banfield, the Special School of Villa Albertina, the Technical 3 of San José and schools of Fiorito, among others.
In Quilmes the meeting was chaired by Carla Lacorte, a historical reference in the fight against police and institutional repression and Human Rights, together with Carla Villani, health worker and student advisor of the Department of Social Sciences of UNQui and Diego Talice, economist and teacher. Members of the Permanent Assembly of Solano, gastronomy workers, teachers of Technique 6 and other schools in the region, students of the National University of Quilmes (UNQ) participated.
In avellaneda Raízen Shell oil workers, metallurgists, outsourced workers from Edesur, Hospital Fiorito, students from the University of Avellaneda (Undav), teachers from different towns in the southern zone and also from CABA, students from tertiary N°1, workers from commerce, precarious workers, students from the Nursing School of the Fiorito Hospital, residents of Dock Sud. Aldana, a young worker and student from UNdAv, and Alejandra, a SIAM worker, together with Fernando Luna, an oil worker, coordinated the assembly.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com