When I talk to you about pollution, you probably think of cars, factories or even forest fires. But the military operations do they pollute?

He genocide which is carried out today by the State of Israel is a very important example.

Polluting emissions from Israel’s bombings on Gaza and the Lebanonfrom just the first three months of the conflict, were greater than the total emissions of the 20 poorest countries for an entire year.

This emerges from a scientific paper published in January 2024 that measures the immediate, medium and long-term emissions of the Zionist army. The immediate ones alone are calculated at more than 280,000 tons of carbon by planes and bombs. A figure that continued to increase.

Israel says in favor of “green” capitalism which offers technology for carbon capture and storage, water harvesting and plant-based alternatives to meat. But the genocide against the Palestinian population is showing its true face and it is brutal, with more than 1000 Palestinians killed. 41,000 people killed, 93,000 injured, 11,000 missing and 2.3 million of persons sentenced to hunger and without access to water in Gaza.

In addition, Israel bombs Palestinians with white phosphorus.

This chemical weapon is very dangerous and is prohibited by international agreementsBurning white phosphorus is very difficult to extinguish as it cannot even be extinguished with water.

Genera serious consequences in people, in the respiratory tract and causing deep and very painful burns. It also has devastating effects on agricultural crops, nature reserves, water sources and the places where missiles fall because of the difficulty in cleaning it up.

Scientists warn about this striking and momentous omission in the reports of the UN Climate Summit: the environmental effects of wars and military invasions.

The underestimation is total. That is why the armies from all over the world have free rein to pollute with total impunity and countries like Israel appear to be much less polluting than they are.

Previous studies have already indicated that Israel’s carbon footprint could be between 5 and 8 times higher incorporating all war supplies.

And other research indicates that military devices are responsible for almost 5.5% of annual global emissionsmore than the aviation and shipping industries combined.

Saying that war is destructive is a no-brainer, but the fact that it also contributes to the climate crisis shows that all organizations that claim to want to stop global warming should speak out for themselves. Ceasefire now!

As it says Greta Tumberg: “There is no climate justice on occupied lands”

All our solidarity with the Palestinian people.


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