The end of winter coincided with the start of “candidate debate season.” Before the official presidential debates, which will take place on October 1 and 8, the TN channel organized a debate for the vice presidential candidates in its studios on Lima Street.
After 8 p.m., the preview passed in a cordial manner, while photographers and journalists showed the arrival of the different candidates. They were received at the entrance to the canal, while at the end of the entrance hallway guests and advisors were waiting for them to enter the studio. There you could see Lucía Montenegro (the organizer of the pro-dictatorship event organized in the Buenos Aires Legislature)the journalist and candidate Marcela Pagano, Diana Mondino y Alberto Benegas Lynch among others, accompanying the Milei candidate. She was also with them Ramiro Marracandidate for Head of the Buenos Aires Government of that force, who between his desperation for catering and crumb sandwiches I took the opportunity to have a friendly chat with part of Luis Petri’s teamPatricia Bullrich’s vice, as Martín Yeza (There were also Laura Alonso, Maximiliano Abad, Hernán Lombari and Cristian Ritondo). A very different climate from the outbursts against “the caste” that are usually heard from liberals when the cameras are turned on.
Union for the Homeland, on the other hand, chose among its guests a few current, but no less important, candidates. Around 9 p.m., officials and union leaders aligned 100% with the government, who are not officials but act as if they were, could be seen entering the room. Besides the Minister of Labor, Kelly Olmosand the heads of the legislative blocks (José Mayans and Germán Martínez in the Senate and Deputies, respectively), the presence of Hector Daer (CGT holder), Hugo Yasky (CTA) and Sergio Palazzo (general secretary of the banking union). The 3 had just participated in the event where Massa announced the modification of the Income Tax and from accompanying the minister in Tuesday’s session. Far from the streets and the claims against the ongoing adjustment, once again the three made clear their complicity with the economic and political course of the Frente de Todosgoing to do it endurance to Agustín Rossi. They were also with him Victoria Donda y Dora Barrancos.

Ph: Milimicaela
For him Left Frontthe accompaniment to Del Caño included the presence of Myriam Bregman, only presidential candidate present in the debate. In addition, there were also the deputy Alejandro Vilca, Alejandrina Barry (legislator of the City of Buenos Aires), Vanina Biassi (candidate for head of Government for CABA), Andrea D’atri and Celeste Fierro (candidates for Buenos Aires legislators), Rubén the “ Pollo” Sobrero (candidate for Buenos Aires governor), Christian Castillo (candidate for national deputy for PBA), Patricio del Corro (candidate for national deputy for CABA) and former deputies Juan Carlos Giordano and Nathalia González Seligra.
Behind the scenes
After the official presentation, the tone of what was to come became clear. Victoria Villarruel greeted Petri and Randazzo friendly. The same did not happen with Nicolás del Caño, nor with Agustín Rossi. The Left Front tribune made itself heard from the first moment, applauding the presentation of Nicolás del Caño, while some sectors showed some tension in the preview.
Villarruel, who began the round of presentations, started strong and in the middle. In addition to being a candidate, She presented herself as president of Celtyv, the association from which she positioned herself as a defender “of victims of terrorism” in the 70s: a classic provocation of those who refuse to condemn crimes against humanity and seek to focus on the actions of organizations such as Montoneros and ERP, relativizing the atrocities of the dictatorship.
While the presentations were going on, marked by the coaching and the idioms, The first reactions were seen in the stands. But in the exhibitions we had to wait until the “free minutes” to break the mold and listen to the first exchanges outside the script. After the first economic block, marked by a tacit pact between Villarruel and Rossi to choose each other to polarize, came one of the first spiciest counterpoints of the night. While they were debating social conflict, Del Caño took the opportunity to ask Villarruel “if you are going to repress the girls and boys who defend Comprehensive Sexual Education, which is a fundamental tool for identifying abuses, since you want to repress all those who take to the streets to complain.” ”. Uncomfortable, Villarruel claimed: “Save me from asking questions like that, here the only thing we are going to guarantee is order,” making clear her rejection of the implementation of the ESI and protest as a protest mechanism. Rossi took advantage of the moment to remember Marra’s phrase, who weeks ago had asked to suggest replacing CSE with pornography consumption, while the puberty boy put on a poker face in the stands and tried to pass the moment amidst the laughter around him.

Ph: Mariana Nedelcu
Other spicy moments were experienced when The Left Front candidate fought Villarruel’s false “anti-caste” discourse, reminding her and the other parties that the FIT lists are made up of hundreds of workers and not professional politicians like them.and when in the Security block He reminded Milei’s vice president of his visits to Videla in prison, when he was serving a sentence for crimes against humanity, and his appearance as a contact in the notebook of Miguel Etchecolatz, one of the most bloodthirsty repressors responsible for the disappearance of Julio López. The statement aroused a murmur in the gallery and the recognition of several of the journalists present, who highlighted the crossing for being the only one who had so far dared to put the issue on the table, while Rossi claimed the salary hierarchy of the Forces. Armed during his role as Minister of Defense and sought to gain footing with a more security discourse.
The lethargy of Petri and Randazzo
Blurred, Petri He tried to show a calm, moderate profile, seeking to polarize with “Kirchnerism” but being overshadowed by the dialectical battle between Rossi and Villarruel, who used to ignore him. Bored, excessively “coached” and without any type of emotion, he resorted to phrases as empty and commonplace as they were inexplicable. “The struggle is the father of changes and the grandfather of the peace that the country needs so much”, he said at the time of his closing, in a phrase that still no one understands. “You didn’t beat Cornejo,” Rossi said in one of his many chicanes, seeking to ignore him.

For its part, Randazzo’s role It was difficult to understand. At times outside the discussions, He seemed to take advantage of the moment of the face-to-face to throw a cross at Villarruel and ask him about two of his workhorses, explaining her idea for Conicet and letting her speak “against caste.” A dull and at times boring paper, which she graphs the moment that passes through the space she forms with Schiaretti, diluted in the general picture. Perhaps the only thing to highlight about his participation was the extreme kindness and good vibes shared with Rossi.with whom he exchanged comments and laughter in each of the intervals, and also with Victoria Villarruel who reminded him face to face about the “cordial relationship” and “dialogue” that both spaces maintain in the camera.

Ph: Mariana Nedelcu
Gender perspective left the group
Throughout the debate, Agustín Rossi was seen quite upset and even out of control. Despite having Dora Barrancos in the stands, in the middle of the first block He called Villarruel a “dead fly”a fact thata denier took the opportunity to victimize himself and telling her that while she was making a speech for women, she had “no problem disrespecting the only woman I was debating.” From then on, Rossi tried to moderate his outbursts, until he screwed up again when in the face to face with Petri He reproached him that while during his time at the Defense Front the border had been radarized, during the government of Together for Change “there was no fucking radar”. He murmur in the stands and the faces of those who accompanied him said it all, between incredulous and surprised by the ease with which the chain came off.

Ph: Mariana Nedelcu
But The note was also given by Luis Petri, visibly upset by Del Caño’s questions in the face to face that left him exposed regarding extractivism and the taking of the natural commons. “You want to loot our resources to get dollars and pay the debt, just like what Massa wants,” the leader of the Left Front reproached him. Annoyed and for the first time out of his script, Petri came out and accused him of being “the lady-in-waiting of Kirchnerism in Congress.” A baseless slander since the left has always maintained its political independence from both the Macrista opposition and Kirchnerism, possibly caused by Juntos’s failure to provide a quorum and then vote against the modification of the income tax when they had said want to delete it. And an outburst that raised boos from most of those present, and that showed the radical’s misogynistic thinking, when he leaves coaching and speaks without a filter.
The end and what is coming
The closing of each candidate was followed by the final photo, as a prelude to the official debates where the five presidential candidates (Milei, Massa, Bullrich, Bregman and Schiaretti) will meet. Once finished, greetings came and Rossi merged into a hug with Ricardo Gil Lavedraa man from the UCR who currently presides over the Public Bar Association and former Minister of Justice and Human Rights during the government of the Alliance and De la Rúa. He was remembered during the debate for having been part of the Court that in 1985 judged the Military Juntas, but much less for having been appointed by the last dictatorship as secretary of the Attorney General’s Office. Perhaps a hug that illustrates that promised “government of national unity” that Massa and Rossi insist on so much, which extends its hand to many of the radicalism sectors and others that today are part of Juntos.

Ph: Milimicaela
The general tone of the debate was marked by the polarization that Villarruel and Rossi sought, and that Milei and Massa will surely seek to repeat. An agreement (tacit or not) that is of mutual convenience, seeking to establish a kind of early ballot in the first round. By outside of that acting, which postulates that there are only two paths, The third voice that was heard strongly was that of Del Caño and the Left Front. “The ones that need to be adjusted are the businessmen who kill you with high rates while they amass fortunes. To supermarket chains. To the banks and to all those who earned fortunes,” he noted and stressed that “all the other candidates are subject to the IMF.” And facing the moments to come he concluded: “Do not accept resignation, with the IMF there is no lesser evil. We ask you to vote for the Left Front to make us stronger in Congress and in the streets, and to vote for Myriam Bregman throughout the country to give a strong message to those in power. “Neither accomplices nor subjugated.”

Ph: Mariana Nedelcu
*We appreciate the photographs from Enfoque Rojo; Matías Baglieto, Mariana Nedelcu and Milimicaela
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com