On the first weekend of the winter holidays, the leader of the Argentine left, Nicolás del Caño arrived in the seaside resort to join various activities together with the local militancy. His visit had wide repercussions in the local media, where the vice-presidential candidate presented the proposals he is promoting together with the Left Front’s pre-candidate for president, Myriam Bregman.

In dialogue with local media, Del Caño expressed: “In this election it is clear where the candidates of the traditional parties that have already agreed to the adjustment with the IMF and the looting of natural common goods are going. Jujuy is an example of this with the reform promoted by Morales, who is a historical ally of Massa. We from the left reject it in the Legislature and in the streets together with the people of Jujuy and that is why the coherence of the left is valued.”

After noon, dozens of people from Mar del Plata and tourists were arriving at the San Martín pedestrian street at the rate that the mist was giving rise to a cloudy but warm afternoon that allowed dozens of families to walk and enjoy the afternoon. Workers, youth, activists from the women’s movement and the environment came to talk with Del Caño, summoned by the proposal to raise the left in these elections in the face of the disappointment of the parties that only propose more adjustment to the working people.

Regarding the concerns of the people of Mar del Plata, Del Caño stated: “We are approached by young people who have precarious jobs with low wages or in the informal sector. Many do not know what it is to have a salary receipt or bonus. And they know that we fight for jobs with rights, such as our proposal to reduce the working day to 6 hours, 5 days a week to distribute the hours of work between employed and unemployed with a salary that exceeds the family basket. For work and free time, today it is very difficult for young people to be able to study.”

“Another thing that the workers tell us is that popular neighborhoods are forgotten by all governments, and that feels like a quarrel from many sectors that may be thinking of not going to vote or voting blankly, and we tell them that the way to channel this quarrel towards an alternative for the workers is to vote for the Left Front. What the traditional parties want most is for the people not to get involved and they are the ones who stay in politics,” Del Caño concluded.

Auxiliaries from the city schools approached him with the claim that they have been carrying out due to low wages and work overload. “They demand that the 800 positions that are needed be covered and that are not covered as a result of the adjustment in education.”

The environmental claim is also a strong axis of the left. Rosa Mauregui, pre-candidate for mayor, said: “We are going to achieve all the measures that we propose with the organization and the fight, as we women did with the green tide, conquering the right to abortion. In our city we are part of the fight for a sea free of oil companies and we are the only list that rejects offshore exploration, which is a great deal for multinationals. Both Montenegro, Raverta and Milei’s candidates are promoters of extractivism in all the country’s territories. To strengthen all our fights we call to vote to the left”.

As always when visiting the city, Del Caño took the opportunity to visit the Boston Confectionery, recovered by its workers, where he met with assembly members from the south of the city who defend the environment and the preservation of its coasts.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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