This Friday, tire workers carried out an important day of events and demonstrations simultaneously. It was in the south, west and north areas, where the factories that today monopolize tire production in Argentina are located: Bridgestone, Pirelli and Fate.
The SUTNA call had as its main slogans the immediate and definitive reinstatement of the workers fired by Fate this week and all the colleagues fired in the tire union; the positive response to the fair claim made by the workers in the joint negotiations, the defense of the jobs of the entire labor movement and the call to reject the anti-worker Base Law, the Labor Reform and the return of the salary tax.
In the northern area, Fate workers and solidarity sectors met at the intersection of Avellaneda and Tigre access, which was later cut off by the demonstration. There the company of millionaire Javier Madanes Quintanilla, one of the richest businessmen in Argentina, fired 97 workers with the excuse of an “adverse situation.” They make fortunes, and when sales go down a little they want to unload it on the workers.
The day showed a path that can greatly strengthen the struggle. Take advantage of the mandatory conciliation to make strong actions outside, which achieve a growing impact and the sympathy of millions, as had begun to be shown in the historic strike of 2022 that made the decision of the tire workers known.
Today the desire of those fired and of the entire factory to fight was also shown. To deepen this unity and commitment, it is important to be able to discuss all the steps to follow, through open meetings and assemblies that serve for the participation of each colleague.
The actions in each factory
A significant number of workers from that plant participated in Fate, as well as solidarity sectors: the Bordó de la Alimentación, MadyGraf, Coordinadora Sindical Clasista, social organizations (Polo Obrero, Teresa Vive, FOL) and teachers, such as Suteba Tigre, Tribuna Docente, The Brown. Nicolás del Caño, national deputy of the PTS-FITU, was present, along with Raúl Godoy and activists from the Movement of Classist Groups, including the Granate del Neumático Group. Deputy Romina del Pla (PO-FITU) also participated in the event.
🛞 Day to fight against layoffs in Fate
Tire workers gathered at the SUTNA cut in Acceso Tigre at the height of the Virreyes descent. They claim against the 97 dismissals. Deputy @NicolasdelCano accompanies the action. pic.twitter.com/JSKx2UfqdY
— Left Front Unity (@Fte_Izquierda) May 17, 2024

At the Pirelli factory they also carried out a protest action. Present were, in addition to workers from that factory and the Merlo del Sutna Section, delegations from Truck Drivers, SUTEBA, CTA, UF Haedo, social organizations (MTR, Polo Obrero, Teresa Vive), delegates from the Ministry of Labor of La Matanza, neighborhood assemblies. of Merlo and Libertad and leftist parties (PTS, PO). Councilors David Maidana (Merlo), Natalia Hernández (La Matanza), and Erica Seitler (Moreno) were present.

In Lavallol, the action was attended by Bridgestone workers, delegations of Truck Drivers, the Oil Federation, social organizations (MTL, Polo Obrero, MTR, FOL), as well as teachers, health personnel and those dismissed from GPS.

News in development.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com