Even without the guaranteed dollars to support the runs that will surely take place during the electoral period and a week after the closing of the lists, Peronism has not yet defined a competitive candidate. At this point, Peronism seems to depend much more on the IMF doing it the favor of financing an economy dry of reserves, than on the accompaniment of the popular: no candidate, neither those who launched themselves nor those who insinuate themselves, seduces enough.
This Wednesday, the Peronist governors of the provinces made a public demand for the Frente de Todos to define a presidential unity formulawith the governor of Chaco Jorge Capitanich as spokesperson. “We cannot distract efforts in sterile discussions that only lead to divisions,” they published. So reject the possibility of defining candidacies in a STEP.
It’s the same thing you’ve been asking for Sergio Massawho sent Cecilia Moreau to complain on his behalf, upon returning from his trip to China with maximum kirchner. “They play internal with cardboard soldiers”, while Massa “supports stability” -was the message. Strange definition of stability, when inflation does not stop praying the income of the majority.
The one who does not want to download is Daniel Scioli, current ambassador of Argentina in Brazil; and Agustín Rossi who is playing with the last breath of albertismo. In three hours of discussion -this same Wednesday- Massa failed to convince Alberto Fernándezwho ratified his position to define candidacies in the STEP.
Kirchnerism with Axel Kicillof and other governors close to Cristina, are part of the single candidacy request, without STEP. In fact, Kirchnerism has been showing itself together with Sergio Massain a renewed friendship with the one who replaced Martín Guzmán in Economy, just to deepen the adjustment plan and inflationary policies of the IMF. A formula with Wado De Pedro (or another K) with Sergio Massa cannot be ruled out, who already shared an act with electoral overtones in the Buenos Aires town of Mercedes.
The sector of Great Homeland -minority, but within the Frente de Todos government- is in a bind since they have been promising that if there is no STEP where they can compete with Juan Grabois And if the candidate for president is Sergio Massaalthough it accompanies it Wado De Pedrothey break and go “out”.
He participated in the meeting of the governors Axel Kicillof (Buenos Aires), Gildo Insfran (Formosa), Sergio Ziliotto (The Pampa), Sergio Unac (San Juan), Alice Kirchner (Santa Cruz), Ricardo Quintela (The Rioja), Gerardo Zamora (Santiago del Estero), Raúl Jalil (Catamarca), Gustavo Saenz (Salta), Gustavo Melella (Land of Fire), Gustavo Bordet (Between rivers), Mariano Arcioni (Chubut).
“We demand the construction of a unit list with integration of a federal nature“, they planted. It remains unknown if the Minister of the Interior Wado De Pedroit would be enough to cover that representation, or if any governor will step forward.
“Why always a second governor? Are we less than the rest? Do we have fewer books read? Don’t we ever win elections? Don’t we know how to govern?” -complained over the weekend Jorge Capitanich. But neither is a campaign of any of them emerging as a candidate for president.
De Pedro met with some governors on Tuesday, with fewer calls. Wado is still not joined by the popular majoritiesbut it has been reaping some alliances, also with the trade unionism of Barrionuevo. The scheme of the productive project of Wado is oriented to seduce the provinces with the royalties for the extraction of lithium, oil and other resources, without even encouraging a campaign to nationalize the natural commons.
In between Wado and Massayou can see how it outlines a division of tasks, outward and inward. Massa He is the center-right candidate within Peronism, which is requested by North American imperialism. AND Wado De Pedro He is the “center” candidate within Kirchnerism, with a federal speechwhich promises dollars per export, with a production model for multinational extractivists and agricultural employers.
The same crisis of political representation that tears the opposition of Together for Change in internal struggles falls on Peronism. A few days after defining alliances (June 14) and the pre-candidacies (June 24), none of the coalitions that governed in the last two terms manages to get organized. The Judiciary – the most undemocratic of the constituted powers – is based on this weakness to intervene in the political game of the regime at will.
In this scenario of deep discontent among the working people, the Left Front Unity, its militants and supporters, have a very important challenge. Promote a campaign, from below among workers, women and youth, that proposes a collective solution: the need to build a social force that intends to tear down the agreement with the IMF and affect the interests of the powerful, for the benefit of the great majorities .
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com