Hundreds of self-convened teachers from all over the province held a bimodal assembly this Saturday afternoon, after the brutal repressions suffered on Wednesday and Thursday, which involved arrests and charges against 19 workers. And after the Minister of Government Villada, the Minister of Education Cánepa and the Minister of Economy Dib Ashur yesterday offered 34% in quotas.
We unanimously voted to reject the agreement between the Government and the Inter-union and to continue with the measure of force as we considered the increase insufficient and cheating, since it is related to the December base. There are forces, it was heard in several interventions.
Among other motions, in addition, the repudiation of the repression of the Salta police was raised while a roadblock was carried out in Aunor last Thursday, under the order of Judge Zunino and the governor, and to develop a national campaign for the prosecution of the 19 defendants.
In many interventions, which exceeded 30, mention was made, among other demands, of the need to overthrow Decree 91/23 that criminalizes roadblocks, and deepen common actions with employed and unemployed workers, and with the and the students who today organized a mobilization in repudiation of the repression at 8:00 p.m. that is already taking place.

There will be a new bimodal provincial assembly on Wednesday with a time and place to be confirmed.
From the 9 de abril group, which is made up of tertiary and Educational Sciences teachers and students, we propose that just as with the fight we were able to wrest more from the Government than it was going to give us and free the detainees, with the fight we are going to extract more, on the way to earning a salary equal to the family basket. In addition, we call for coordination with students, families, orderlies and teachers from Adiunsa who are going on strike this Monday in solidarity. We do not want any family to earn below the poverty line and for that we have to develop a great fight starting with uniting in the streets in common and unitary actions.
In addition, we proposed to demand a strike from CTERA for this Monday in solidarity with the teachers in Salta, against repression and for a salary increase. There are many provinces in struggle and not just Salta. That is why the fight is against these leaderships that are complicit in the adjustment applied by the governments of Alberto Fernández and Gustavo Sáenz, hand in hand with the IMF.
Faced with the great campaign that the provincial government is carrying out against our struggle, with threats and intimidation, let us redouble the organization from below in each school and together with families, students, orderlies, judicial officers, health workers because the adjustment We all feel it and we face it among all of us. Teaching does not lower the flag.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com