The government continues with its intentions to achieve an agreement that allows the approval of a new Omnibus Law project, after its failure in February. For that, this Monday he advanced in new meetings with the “collaborationist” blocks such as We Make the Federal Coalition, of Miguel Ángel Pichetto, and the Radical Civic Union.
The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, together with the Chief of Staff of the Nation, Nicolás Posse, led the meeting at Casa Rosada. Around 3:30 p.m., in the Hall of Shields, Nicolás Massot, Emilio Monzó, Margarita Stolbizer, Florencio Randazzo, and Ricardo López Murphy participated. Along with the members of Hacemos Coalión Federal, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, was also present.
Upon leaving the meeting, Pichetto stressed that it was “a conversation on very good terms” and that there is “good predisposition.” Later, around 6 p.m., it was the turn of a second moment, this time with the radicals Julio Cobos, Carla Carrizo, Lisandro Nieri, Karina Banfi, Soledad Carrizo, Pamela Verasay, Alejandro Cacace and Pablo Cervi.
The Government confirmed that this Tuesday will be advancing in sending the draft of the new version of the Bases Law, which will be more limited than the previous one that ended up falling on February 6. According to some versions, it would have a total of 269 articles (the original had 664) divided into 11 titles. It contemplates new and serious attacks against the working class and the popular sectorswho along with retirees have been the target of the government’s adjustment.
A new labor counter-reform
“There was an important request from the entire block, as we have been doing for months, to include the labor modernization so that there is something expansive in terms of employment and we put an end to the trial industry and that detraction to employment,” said Nicolás Massot, one of the key names during the Macri administration in Deputies and who has now joined the ranks of Pichetto. Precisely, the labor reform would be one of the central points in which the ruling party intends to advance after the judicial brake on the labor chapter of the DNU.
Some versions claim that in the new text drafted will include most of the content that was in the DNU, with the exception of the articles that affect unions and their social works. A form of negotiate with the big unionsat times when it was known that A part of the CGT is secretly advancing to close positions with this sector of the “collaborationist” opposition.
In this new attempt, the government will include a new offensive against compensation and the right to strikeand one greater precariousness hand in hand with the modifications in the hiring trial period and the modification/elimination of fines to employers for unregistered work.
“We have a positive vision, surely tomorrow the project will enter and next week it will begin to be discussed in committees” remarked Pichetto, showing his willingness to collaborate with the adjustment that the business class demands and that the Milei government carries out.
For her part, Karina Banfi from the UCR was also in tune with the idea of modifications in labor matters and pointed out that Rodrigo de Loredo, president of the radical bloc, will present his own proposal on this point. Furthermore, he stressed that treating the issue separately from the restitution of the Income Tax “will be better, much easier for its approval” and highlighted: “It is a Government that is open to conversation and dialogue, taking into account that its strongest weakness today is in the National Congress.”
The dialogue that the radicals and Pichetto highlight only occurs on the basis of new attacks and robberies against workers, greater flexibility, precariousness and reduction in compensation to lower what they call “labor costs.” A counter-reform tailored to large employers such as Techint, owned by Paolo Rocca, the second richest businessman in the country who took over the Ministry of Labor in the Milei government and who is behind the drafting of the new project.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com