The president of the acting government, Pedro Sánchez, has accused this Saturday the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, of “twisting the mandate of the head of state, the parliamentary activity of the Congress of Deputies and the Spanish Constitution” by going to an investiture even knowing that he did not have enough support to reach La Moncloa. Sánchez has promised that he will put all his efforts “in ensuring that there is a real investiture.”

The socialist leader has reproached Feijóo for saying “that he can be president of the Government, but that he does not want to”, arguing that he could have agreed with other parliamentary groups even though he would have then lost the votes of the extreme right. “He is so used to lying to everyone, that he lies to himself,” Sánchez said.

The president has assured that Feijóo attended a “false” investiture not to become president of the government, but “to entrench himself as leader of the PP.” Sánchez thus criticized the strategy of his counterpart in the PP during a rally in La Rinconada (Seville), in his first public intervention after Feijóo’s failure this week, in which he was accompanied by the deputy general secretary of the PSOE and minister of Acting Treasury, María Jesús Montero; the general secretary of the PSOE-A, Juan Espadas, and the general secretary of the PSOE of Seville, Javier Fernández.

“We cannot recover the split time in this little theater of Mr. Feijóo, but we do guarantee that we are going to put all the effort so that there is a real investiture,” said Sánchez, who has committed to achieving a progressive government for the next four years. years. The acting president has added that, after Feijóo’s failure, “nothing starts, today everything continues”, in reference to his intention to reissue a coalition government: “We are going to give our all to make it happen.” .

Sánchez has assured that he has “more desire, strength and arguments than ever for there to be four more years of progressive government”, before explaining some of the lines of the proposal with which he will go to the Congress of Deputies to be sworn in as president. . Sánchez must still be proposed by King Felipe VI, who will receive him next Tuesday, October 3 in Zarzuela, within the round of consultations with the parliamentary groups.

The socialist candidate has spoken about housing and the minimum wage, pensions and equality, employment and the environment, but not about amnesty. In a speech that he could well have given in the last electoral campaign, Sánchez has defended that he wants to repeat the coalition government as a “continuation” of what has been achieved in the last five years “because the journey has been worth it and is worth four More years”.

Reform of the status of workers and increase of the SMI by law

Without mentioning at any time the negotiations with the pro-independence parties of Catalonia or the tensions raised by the Parliament’s proposal this Friday in favor of moving towards a referendum, Sánchez has once again reviewed the social and rights advances promoted by the coalition government in the last legislature.

“That is the endorsement for which we are going to request the support of the Chamber, to defend the workers,” said the socialist leader, who has also defended that the increase in the interprofessional minimum wage “is not enough” and will propose a reform of the workers’ statute. Sánchez’s objective is for the SMI to be, by law, 60% of the average salary every year.

The acting president has reiterated that he will “request the confidence of the Chamber” to fill the pension piggy bank and guarantee coverage for future generations. “We are not only thinking about today’s pensioners,” he defended.

Sánchez has also committed to carrying out measures “that were left in the pipeline” with the early elections and that the coalition government has already promoted, such as the parity law, as well as the housing law, which he wants to turn into “the great national cause.”


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