Pedro Sánchez has ensured this Friday that he can be sworn in as President of the Government next week and by a comfortable absolute majority. The PSOE officially closed last night an agreement with the PNV that had already been agreed upon for weeks and that will allow its five deputies to support the re-election of Sánchez in the vote that will take place next Thursday in the Congress of Deputies, as announced Cadena Ser and socialist sources and the leadership of the nationalist party have confirmed to elDiario.es. In addition, the Canarian Coalition and the PSOE have also reached an agreement for Sánchez’s investiture. The Canarians, who also supported the failed investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will give the ‘yes’ of their only deputy to the socialist leader, who would add a total of 179 votes in favor and would be invested in the first vote.
With these new agreements with the PNV and the Canarian Coalition and the one closed yesterday with Junts, Sánchez is already assured of his victory in the investiture plenary session after having tied up the pacts with Sumar, ERC and BNG, among others. The president of the PNV, Andoni Ortuzar, went to the Congress of Deputies this Friday to stage the pact. In an appearance before the media, he celebrated a pact that, if fulfilled, he said, will guarantee the support of his party throughout the legislature. The text of the agreement even talks about negotiating “the national recognition of Euskadi.”
The Jeltzale leader has assured that the pact advances the recognition of the “self-government” of Euskadi and will also allow the transfer of all remaining powers. “The PNV is a serious party, if these commitments are fulfilled we will be through thick and thin,” he said.
The leader of the jeltzale formation has anticipated a difficult term for the PSOE. “We are not delusional, it is a great challenge for Sánchez and his team to put us all in the same trawler, so that the oars go in the same direction, there is no clash of sticks and capsize,” he warned, although he confirmed that Sánchez is aware and hopes that he can manage to reconcile the interests of all the forces for a four-year term.
The document signed this Friday between PSOE and PNV for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez means “completing self-government with the transfer to Euskadi of the powers still pending.” In addition, progress is being made in the reform of the Statute of Gernika and both parties are committed to “dialogue and negotiate” about “the national recognition of Euskadi, the safeguarding of Basque competencies and a system of guarantees based on bilaterality and forality.”
Negotiate the national recognition of Euskadi
In the text endorsed this morning, the two parties commit to negotiating “both in Euskadi and in the State” on “future self-government using the potential of the First Additional Provision of the Constitution and the Additional Provision of the Statute of Gernika.” Within this agreement, PSOE and PNV commit to “negotiate in good faith and reach an agreement, both within the Basque institutions and in the Cortes Generales, with the agreement reached subsequently being ratified by the Basque people.”
“The national recognition of Euskadi, the safeguarding of Basque competences and a system of guarantees based on bilaterality and forality will be areas for dialogue and negotiation between both parties,” states the text, which ensures that the agreement must respect “the demands majority of the Parliament of Euskadi, which, in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of Gernika, legitimately represents the Basque people.” They establish a period of one and a half years to complete this negotiation process and also create a bilateral commission “for the monitoring and promotion of the milestones and agreements committed here regarding future self-government.”
Ortuzar has also assured that the signed agreement represents the transfer of all remaining powers. The agreement includes giving priority specifically to three, which must be carried out within a maximum period of two years. The railways, “in the terms of the latest proposal submitted by the Basque Government”; the “homologation and validation of foreign degrees and studies”; and formulas for the financing and transfer of the personal autonomy phase of the state reception system.
CC supports Sánchez in exchange for the support of the “Canarian agenda” but rejects the amnesty
The support of the Canarian Coalition will allow the Socialist Party to guarantee 179 votes. The island party has agreed to give the vote of its only seat in Congress to Sánchez in exchange for the new Government’s support for the “Canarian agenda.” Specifically, the agreement signed between both groups guarantees that free buses and trams will be maintained on the islands, a negotiation of regional financing and an improvement, for example, in educational infrastructure, as well as hydraulic infrastructure and those linked to energy problems. of the islands.
The deputy of the Canarian Coalition, Cristina Valido, has specified that they do reject the amnesty law that the PSOE will promote in Congress soon, one of the requirements that Junts and Esquerra Republicana imposed to support the investiture. “I want to make it clear that we reject the amnesty and will vote against it,” Valido assured.
Source: www.eldiario.es