Russia announced the discovery of the world’s largest oil reserves in Antarctica, estimated at 511 billion barrelsmore than double the reserves of Saudi Arabia.
This revelation raised global concerns due to bans on mining and military activities established by the Antarctic Treaty of 1959.
Argentina and Chile, which have territorial claims over parts of the continent, opposed exploration and reaffirmed their commitment to environmental preservation.
The find not only highlights geopolitical challenges, but also potential environmental threats due to exploration in a region crucial to global climate balance.
The discovery was made by the ship Alexander Karpinskyoperated by Rosgeo, in the region of British Antarctic Territory. Despite the implications, the Russian government remains reserved about its future plans, noting that research for peaceful purposes is still permitted under the treaty.
With information from the Telegraph
Source: https://www.ocafezinho.com/2024/06/05/russia-descobre-maior-reserva-de-petroleo-do-mundo-na-antartida/