Zionists who want Waters’ head for his defense of Palestine are denouncing the artist. Images released on social media by the Stop Antisemitism organization show him in a black coat and red armbands, holding a rifle.

It is abysmal dishonesty.

As in the movie “The Wall”, Roger plays a former rock star in the show. who has an overdose and goes crazy. In a hallucination, he appears as the dictator of a fascist rally (yes, there is a fascist element to rock concerts).

In the 1982 tape, Bob Geldof, with shaved eyebrows, plays the lead, singing the beautiful “In The Flesh” to the crazed mob.

Source: https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/roger-waters-denuncia-o-nazismo-em-show-e-e-investigado-pela-policia-alema-por-glorificar-o-regime/

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