One of the news of this week was the intervention of the Minister of Justice, Mariano Cuneo Libaronain the Chamber of Deputies. In the Gender and Diversity Commission The official replicated the dogmas of Freedom Advances denying gender violence y Going so far as to say that “we reject the diversity of sexual identities that do not align with biology”.
Instead of problematizing the reactionary content of the minister’s remarks, in a post on X Juan Grabois He said that “we are screwed” if Milei and Caputo apply their adjustment “Cúneo Libarona’s idiocies and Villarruel’s nonsense are discussed all the time”. He added that these are “permanent ideological debates and moralizing that are used to cover up the effective, material and palpable reality of the popular majorities.”
If we don’t realize that we can’t stop arguing about Cúneo Libarona’s nonsense and Villarruel’s nonsense all the time while there is a tremendous famine, salaries are not enough for anything, poverty is punishing half the country, unemployment is increasing, people can’t buy…
— Juan Grabois (@JuanGrabois) August 28, 2024
For the leader of the Patria Grande Front the Violence suffered by women or LGBTIQ+ people does not seem to be part of a palpable reality for the working and poor majorityNor does it seem to show any correlation between Victoria Villarruel’s defence of the genocidaires and the repressive policies of a government that persecutes those who demonstrate.
With his “cultural battle” The Government gives free rein to a machinery of reactionary ideas like those transmitted by Agustín Laje, Nicolás Márquez, Mariano Cúneo Libarona or the recently appointed Secretary of Civilization and Worship, Nahuel Sotelo, who is part of the “Opus Dei Gang”. Speeches accompanied by attacks like the one clipping from this week to the already limited Accompany Program which consists of financial aid for victims of gender violence. The adjustment plan which includes layoffs, rate increases and loss of income coexist and It is complemented by the cultural battleeven from that perspective it is not just a question of political agenda or creating noise in the public debate.
This denial of LGBTIQ+ people and gender violence is not a mere dispute in the field of culture, it has material correlates of all kinds. discrimination suffered by transvestites and trans peoplemeans that they have to Prostitute themselves to survive or live in overcrowded precarious housing after being expelled from their family homesIn many cases they are not accepted directly in a place to rent or if they take them in a work without labour rights and with low wagesas is the case with the labor quota in the state. Contrary to this false division, it is a sector overrepresented in poverty.
Without going any further, the four lesbians that a few months ago They suffered a hate attack in Barracaswhich included throwing a homemade bomb at them, They lived crammed into a single room in a precarious pension. Product of the attack Three lost their livesand triple lesbicidio legitimized by these reactionary discourses. That movie where gays and lesbians do not suffer from economic crises is only seen on some platforms and in advertisements that seek to sell products painted with the pride flag; in real life, the majority deal with the impoverishment of living conditions and poorly paid jobs.
Speeches such as that of Cúneo Libarona attacking the women’s movement, denying the specificity of gender violence, are not limited to “ideological debates and moralizing.” They seek to naturalize multiple inequalities where the wage gap: with feminized jobs where wages are low, such as those of domestic workers, in health and education, or among retired women who are the majority in the sector that earns the minimum wage.
Grabois ends up adhering to and thus supporting a false dichotomy fostered by the far right.. A reactionary stance that considers it “stupid” to confront hate speech against women and LGBTIQ+ people, while promotes the idea that they do not experience the social and economic crisis firsthand. Generates a false polarization and provides a dangerous argument where is seeks to isolate sexual diversity from a supposed majority with which it would have nothing to doAs if there were no poor gays, lesbians, transvestites and trans people or as if the vast majority were not affected by gender and sexuality issues.
Thus, he joins the chorus of voices seeking to present themselves as an alternative in the face of the upcoming elections within Peronismat the antipodes or delimiting itself of what they call “progressive” agendaThe same thing happens with the figure of Guillermo Moreno who recently spoke out against same-sex marriage and the right to abortion. Characters not coincidentally linked to the Vaticanthe pope Francisco does not waste time and The Church plays its own game in the midst of a crisis that also affects the parties who have been governing for the last few decades.
The most obvious dichotomy these days is that while the traditional parties are openly exposing their fractures thinking about next year’s elections, the working and poor majority count their few pesos and look at the calendar to see what day of the month they will have until next year. fictitious divisions the sound convenient to a regime that seeks to naturalize permanent adjustment while stigmatizing women, sexual diversity and even retirees who go out to fight, lest it be that that confusing social framework called “Those from below” want to express all these demands at the same time and in the same street. The key battle to give just lies in unite all those demands.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com