Pope Francis said that President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) was condemned by Justice without evidence. In an interview with Argentine TV C5N, the pontiff also stated that former president Dilma Rousseff (PT) was the target of an unfair impeachment because she has “clean hands”.
The statement was made in an interview aired on Thursday (30) for the Argentine channel. It was recorded before Francisco’s admission to a hospital in Rome, last Wednesday (29), to treat shortness of breath caused by bronchitis.
During the conversation, journalist Gustavo Sylvestre questioned the priest about the so-called “lawfare”, the use of Justice to persecute political opponents.
“Lawfare paves the way in the media. A certain person must be prevented from reaching a position. So, people disqualify them and put the suspicion of a crime there. So, a whole summary is made, a huge summary, where there is no [a prova do delito], but the size of this summary is enough to condemn. ‘Where is the crime here?’ ‘But, yes, it seems so…’ That’s how they condemned Lula”, said Francisco.
Then the Catholic leader asks about what happened to Dilma Rousseff. And he himself responds, after the journalist said that the former president was dismissed for “a minor administrative act”. “They could not [comprovar] A woman with clean hands, an excellent woman”, he declared.
The pope also cited the “fumus delicti”, a legal term in Latin to conceptualize the proof of a crime through sufficient evidence of authorship, and even said that “sometimes, the smoke of the crime leads you to the fire, other times it is a smoke that is lost because there is no foundation”.
Finally, when the journalist closed the matter by saying that “innocents are condemned”, Francisco pointed out that “in Brazil, this happened in both cases”, referring to Lula and Dilma.
See the video:
Pope Francis talking about the dangers of lawfare, using as examples the wrongful convictions of Lula (“they put him in jail without evidence of crimes”) and Dilma (“a woman with clean hands, excellent”) pic.twitter.com/7eRkMMf79g
—Jeff Nascimento (@jnascim) April 1, 2023
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Source: https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/papa-diz-que-dilma-e-uma-mulher-de-maos-limpas-e-que-lula-foi-preso-sem-provas/